Blinde Killen

If this channel fucks up the Expanse and then lets it die an ignominious death like what happened here I will burn all their offices down.

Pretty much, yeah. Very frustrating for us spaceship fans. Total bait and switch.

I had always suspected that "Ascension's" big reveal,would be that the government had given the contract to build the ship to LEGO.

Beady beady beady!

What's especially funny is the The Foundation books specifically talk about the empire halting scientific progress JUST LIKE THE AUTHOR OF THE TIME ARTICLE!!! (When they talk about the foundation miniaturizing technology while the empire was fixated on giant hyperdrives and fusion reactors and not making any progress

Yeah, thats what I thought. And the problem that doomed the empire and necessitated the Seldon plan was that the empire had stagnated. They hadn't made significant technological improvements in centuries. The "mistake" Asimov is being accused of was addressed in the first book of the series as far as I can tell.

There was something like a 10 000 year gap (or 40 000 year gap, the story contradicts itself) between the colonization of the first planets and the foundation of Trantor, and then there was another few thousands of years of fighting before unification was achieved. And the galaxy was already pretty full by that point.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't humanity already inhabiting planets spread across the galaxy when the Empire in Asimov's novels was formed? They didn't spur the technological changes needed to settle millions of planets, they were just a kingdom that developed the necessary military power to bring already

Mmmmm, Pi.

As with all things in life and the universe at large, Simpsons did it first.

Now playing

The downer of an ending already got leaked a few years ago:

The one thing that bugged me in the midst of a pretty fun episode was right at the beginning:

Yeah. you'd get paid in respect. Which is not as tangible as cash, admittedly, but it makes you feel a lot better. All of a sudden the world would have a very real incentive for people not to behave like assholes because they would lose respect, but if they were polite and worked with others they'd gain respect.

I don't know. As satire goes, Verhoeven has always taken the sledgehammer approach. There's not a lot to get. Besides, a pre-teen who ignores the film's thin-but-loud satirical trappings and opts for unreformed enjoyment of all the guns and tits may not be misconstruing the material by all that much.

Watched it as part of a movie night at school -a fews years after the 1979 release.

By Grabthar's hammer, by the suns of Worvan, he shall be remembered.

The Norwegians give a short, sharp breath in as they are also at same time saying "ja"... almost the sort of short quick breath in most people do when shocked or surprised mildly, it is quite strange. Mostly seems to be older people doing it, but even younger ones on occasion.

That's not what I wanted from an Avatar park.

We have a more abbreviated version of that in Northern Ireland, where inhaling and making a little 'hah' noise, as if gasping for air, means "Yes" or "I'm listening."

It's especially amazing that this one has formed itself into a cubist sculpture of a boxer.