He uses the stock UI. Proof that a custom UI doesn't unequivocally make you a better player.
He uses the stock UI. Proof that a custom UI doesn't unequivocally make you a better player.
I admit i laughed at the ebola one. hahahaha didn't expect it
That's just pretty much traditional Sentinel and Tauren guard gear in the cinematic. Coincidence, maybe, but they don't look that similar to begin with.
JonTron from Youtube!
Give them some funding! I'd love to play this game. The animations honestly aren't that bad.
300 series cards didn't even exist except in notebooks, you asshat.
Hey dude, free tech is good tech. Enjoy! :)
A gtx 260 can max Skyrim?? That's an ancient relic, hahaha. I hope you didn't pay too much for that. Nvidia is up to their 900 series now.
Dual-boot two copies of Windows? Probably would be a good solution.
im 21, we have an okay thing going on. I'd date her if she wanted but I'm just fine being friends; I don't subscribe to the idea of a friendzone. She doesn't owe me anything and I value our friendship. :)
Not explicitly true. I have a friend that I've always had a bit of a crush on ever since middle school. She's said she's not interested in that but we still hang all the time. Doesn't bother me, doesn't bother her.
I wish there was a way we could get this to the top.
The only better CPU for gaming at this moment in time would be the 4690K, and it's barely better at all...you're fine. i7's, which I have, at the current moment is only a few frames better on a couple games. it all depends what you use your pc for.
It's impossible for me to explain how I feel any better than this.
Of course. I didn't mean to sound rude or harsh. I just love the NormalBoots crew and know they work hard. Thanks for mentioning them. :)
if you're going to post a video give it the respect it deserves and don't ruin it in an article. They worked hard for that. Don't take away views from them.
Let's have a post about how horrid and rushed the Night Elf male model is. The running animation looks right out of a Disney movie and the clipping is absolutely abominable. This isn't the character I made 10 years ago.
If you don't do tilt attacks and you think that it is a flaw that you need to flick to jump I guess you're just bad at the game.
Maybe don't take pictures of yourself naked and upload it to the internet in any form.
i would only feel happy migrating to world of warcraft II after no more content was being produced for the original. and I would want to have some perks in wow 2 for playing for ten years.