The Switch will read SDHC cards. Please update your article
The Switch will read SDHC cards. Please update your article
I LOVE this sidequest. So funny. It fits perfectly.
Looks like it’s using the 3D World engine. Super Mario 3D World 2, calling it.
I don’t see anyone bemoaning Hillary Clinton’s outfit. She’s a woman so that would be sexist, right?
WoD is a blight to this game. It was horrible. The worst expac ever produced. ONE patch!! Three raids. There will be more than that packed into Legion as soon as 7.1 hits. You can tell they fucking gave up on it early on. The Auchindoun raid got cut and they ripped Gorefiend and put him in Tanaan, made absolutely no…
I don’t even really follow the scene and I can tell you there are different categories of speed runs. So your opinion is stupid and irrelevant.
No Dirge’s Kickin’ Chimera Chops?
I played this last year in a beta of some sort. It felt incredibly bland and boring. lacking in substance for sure. the art direction was really something however.
That is fucking sick. Can’t wait.
Bae is an acronym. It's short for Before Anyone Else.
This video sucks. No Azshara? Vashj’ir is a super unique zone I enjoy as well. Deadwind Pass is visited ALL THE TIME because of Kara. Does this video creator even play WoW?
let me buy these
It is flash, so it is not replaceable. Load times will be identical or slightly faster if it is a 7200RPM drive.
Leave it to Kotaku to take the moral high-ground, they’ve never done anything underhanded or shady. LMAO
Listen carefully to me. Fuck anyone who dislikes your hobby. It’s yours. It’s not a waste, and it’s a part of you.
Anyone who doesn't name his dude John Cena is doing it wrong.
That’s your opinion. The Warcraft games were pretty bad with their storytelling. It’s only in the Warcraft and World of Warcraft books that you get a good sense of the lore.
Yeah, and the Star Wars EU sucked ass. What's your point? lol
Do you mean 3 times the pixels of 1080P at 90fps? Basically as hard to run as 4K????