
Straight guy here. This movie is awesome and very underrated as a Zemeckis picture. It’s very fun. Sure, the satirical targets are very old (like Madeline and Helen get) but you get involved because of these delectable characters and the story’s sheer entertainment value, which includes a fantastic production design,

So he decided not to go with name actors even though he could have gotten them. But maybe the budget for this flick is low. Not having seen any of his other films (not my cup of tea), I have no idea how much money he usually has to play with.

Well, if Ocean's 8 is canon, it'll be difficult to get Clooney.

The individual right to carry a gun was only decided by the SC in 2008. How’s that fact as tragedy?

Is, in fact, democracy working just fine here? How many adults live in the United States? We’re not a small country. If hundreds of millions of adults wanted to do something about mass shootings, they would have. They can protest daily in the streets, call their representatives every day, vote in high numbers every

What’s his motivation here? Is he trying to cultivate a right-wing, transphobic audience? If he’s pretending to be a bigot satirically, so he’s the butt of the jokes, 1)why do that as there’s no need? and 2) the jokes have to be clearer and sharper that he’s doing that so hateful people don’t believe him and think

Ginni Thomas is the synechdoche to the rest of the world for how Americans are really stupid and massively gullible.

Sorry, what’s wrong with this? I’m not good at seeing bad CGI unless it’s really bad and cheap-looking. To me CGI in general looks like how it’s supposed to look—animated, clean and crisp. Here, she looks like that’s her real face painted in green.

Why doesn’t The Hulk, the largest of The Avengers, simply not eat the others?

I thought young Kim stealing the jewelry and getting caught was a hustle concocted by her mother to steal it. Which then made me think, weirdly enough, of why some women go into porn: to take back the control they lost in the area they lost it in. Replace sex with con. Kim looked miserable after the scam, suggesting

The lede could have been written better. The joke not getting “past” producers because they never saw it; is that meant to say it wasn’t in rehearsal? What does “unscripted chief” mean? Not a clear way to report on the claim in the subhead.

Am I mistaken or is this a Japanese cover of Staying Alive? Which makes the trailer awesome.

I’ve only seen The Dark Knight Rises once, and I don’t recall finding Hardy’s Bane much interesting or memorable. Putting him at #5 seems way too high. Hell, Pfeiffer’s Catwoman I’d put above Ledger’s Joker. Shame MP never got her own Catwoman movie. It’s not too late for her to be an older, retired Selina Kyle.

The Western movie genre has become this avatar for a certain type of American masculinity which has been apparently very pervasive and toxic in American culture. So the movies have been a way to interrogate gender stereotypes, men told not to be emotional and show affection to their loved ones, dominating others (

Jean Smart’s dress is my favorite. She looks like she’s ensconced in delectable chocolate. Really like Amy Ryan’s look, too. And Elle Fanning’s. What the hell is Jared Leto wearing?

At some point as a country we’re going to have to stop just watching the Republican Party go further into insanity and fascism, and, you know, do something about it. This is not normal. It’s not okay. And it’s not weather—inevitable. These people are amassing power every day and we do nothing. The media does nothing.

Gillian Anderson as Margaret Thatcher. You know, who stole the futures of many British people.

This doesn’t seem like something to break up a long-time friendship. One friend screwed up and was inconsiderate to the other friend. Not out of malice but thoughtlessness. Ok, after an apology, move on.

You sound like you think all art and culture are a waste of time and human effort. When they’re crucial to our species and civilization. The movies are the most popular artistic medium of the 20th and 21st centuries. They’re “empathy machines,” as Ebert said, able to greatly move us, make us think, and understand and

Ha, the second part is called "The Jewish Fountainhead." I"d follow Larry David much fucking more than I'd follow Ayn Rand. Put Larry's work in the literature section of bookstores, you cowards!