
I was trying for a facetious observation. Should have posted the "Is everybody gay?!" Joan Cusack clip from In & Out. Sexually diversifying the characters can generate plot down the road.

Huh, I thought it was the pilot where Shauna implied that she was in love with Jackie.

I should have said LGBT. Counting Shauna, who’s bi. But, sure, push back on me. I have little clue how many high school sports teams back in the 90s had multiple members of that community. They could be more than I thought.

At least my favorite Yellowjacket didn’t become a cliched Christian villain. RIP Laura Lee.

Nope, art doesn’t have to be about my experiences to be great. That’s what empathy is for. Which good art inculcates. Like I am not a KGB spy forced into a sham marriage but I still loved The Americans. Add a billion other examples of reading/watching characters who are completely unlike me and yet I love their

Actually I like that it's "girl-centric." We usually don't see a Lord of The Flies/Lost genre show about women. It's an entertaining show but for me not doing anything special to merit it on a best of year list. But it's still early in its development so we'll see.

Yellowjackets has been wildly overpraised. I watch it and it’s compelling but there’s nothing special about it. The writing isn’t distinctive. Some plot lines need work. Currently ( I haven’t seen the latest ep) it’s top heavy with mysteries and a (spoiler) supernatural element isn’t well integrated in the show. It is

Gee, I’d love to go to the theater to see some of these films, but the grim, unwanted Idiocracy sequel we’re all trapped in prevents me from doing that with an easy mind. Thanks, morons! May you get eaten by Jaws.

I hadn’t heard a fourth allegation involving this alleged rapist asshole. Counting Zoe Lister-Jones terrible experience where he sniffed her neck as “sexual assault” isn’t accurate given the definition of the term most people have. She does mention he was very inappropriate with a colleague at the club they used to

Right, which is why I doubted my first reading that it was sincere as accurate and said “Not sure.” Just making sure; I know Iggy is smarter than to think otherwise.

Not sure if the parenthetical about the implausibility of a NYT reporter falling for a soldier in the 2000s is meant to be sarcastic, since after 9/11, everybody was gung-ho about the military, especially the New York Times (see Judy Miller).

I think since Dune is long and very serious, Momoa’s liveliness and sense of having fun (in the Han Solo role) stands out.

Since the word “vagina” was said frequently, I wonder if Jeff Garlin was prepping or had just filmed this episode when he said the word on The Goldbergs’s set. It’d be amusing and like a CYE plot if the show helped him get fired.

Meh, wake me up when Terrence Malick’s life of Jesus movie is released.

Seems like if there are two women, then there must be more than two women.

You might have provided a timestamp on when in the 19 minute interview the laugh takes place.

To combine the two viral stories of the week, I want Jeremy Strong to play the ridiculous chef of a ridiculous Michelin-starred resturant in Italy. Chastain plays the American food blogger.

I loved the movie when I saw it around the same age; it strokes kids’ egos. I remember later as a teenager I read a Newsweek* article that claimed there was going to be a Hook 2 set in the NYC subway and being excited. That this movie never materialized leads me to suspect the piece was a joke. *Ask your parents.

So to summarize: a potentially interesting and character elucidating story of a marriage and creative partnership is overtaken by Sorkin’s familiar, trite political drama, and the compressed timeline doesn’t serve any one of the big themes about Lucy, Desi, and their work and lives? Well, I still want to see this and