Do they? Had no idea. PS—my book club will be reading your handle’s source material next year. It's been ages since I read it, but a bold choice for our group given the material.
Do they? Had no idea. PS—my book club will be reading your handle’s source material next year. It's been ages since I read it, but a bold choice for our group given the material.
I felt defensive for him after I read the profile. As I remember, nobody claimed he mistreated them or was an asshole. If we blame him for his process, we must also blame his mentor, Daniel Day-Lewis for his well-known similiar process, the one that’s earned him three Oscars and a reputation as one of the greatest…
Well, Roman is usually vile to Shiv. She does feel close to Kendall; remember the hug last season when Kendall, iirc, almost confessed to the car accident. That’s why she was angry after their benefit conversation, when he hurt her, so she drafted that letter saying Kendall was messed up. Same hurt felt when he ruined…
Logan wasn’t going to poison his own grandson, people. It was a cruel joke. Logan didn’t think Kendall would try to kill him; why would he, and Logan knows it’s way out of character for his son, whom he still loves and he knows Kendall loves him back. Plus Logan wouldn’t kill a kid, much less his own grandson (or…
This was a lame episode. The “losing the election by one vote” plot was too stupid to be believable. And didn’t Larry convince people on his canvassing to vote for the guy? So he would have lost by a larger deficit anyway.
I think Caroline’s observation about her ex is important. Logan has self-loathing so he kicks his children to see if they’ll come back. I initially thought Logan asking Iverson to taste his food was a bit of dark mischief at Kendall’s expense, but in the context of what Caroline said, maybe Logan is again testing how…
Dune? I saw it on TV, granted. It was fine. Take away its visual scope and it’s generic. To be fair the book influenced tropes we’ve seen a thousand times so the movie couldn’t help but feel derivative. But another, worthier film should have taken its place on the list.
A.I. is a masterpiece from arguably one of modern cinema’s best directors, so I would have put it higher than #8. Especially since #7 may be my least liked Coen brothers movie (I’ve seen it twice and the movie wasn’t there). #6: I recently saw it for the first time, and knowing, vaguely, how it would go, the well-done…
Is it the feature-length expansion of the Geico ad where the new African-American homeowner discovers that his attic is full of creepy dolls and puppets, and he says “nope, no thank you” as he walks out?
And Roy isn’t even emulating his father or doing what he thinks he would do. Logan would have slapped the kid if he saw how Romam treated his siblings at the party.
It’s a masterclass for writers on how to pen repellent characters who can still move you with their own humanity and pain.
I liked the cross-cutting between Taissa walking towards the horror at different ages. Her kid being horror movie weird still continues to be done poorly. If tonight’s ep introduced the “supernatural element” the creators talked about, I hope they know what they’re doing as we don’t really need it for a harrowing Lord…
Yes I was going to mention the cabin means there’s a road and a town nearby. I hope that’s addressed quickly too.
Yes, I noticed the disproportionate Shiv hate in S2 reviews here. I don’t want to use the “sexism” charge, but it does feel like that sometimes.
This brutally heartbreaking episode gave me the notion that the thing that makes this show pure fiction is that in real life super-rich assholes who control the world absolutely are not miserable and don’t hate themselves.
Now I’m curious about a Terrence Malick helmed dinosaur movie, set back before the meteor hits, following a middle-aged, depressed T-Rex, with whispered interior monologues.
Yes, I had heard that as well. The investigation involved a turkey, I believe.
I agree in theory of separating art from the artist and recognizing the former if it has merit. But what if allowing these artists on the ballot makes them get enough votes to win? Since we’ve seen since 2016 that enough folks will happily vote for terrible, criminal people so they win. And where do we draw the line?…
Wow, the stark, sad proof that I am less musically literate than read in all the other arts: the vast majority of songs and albums on the excerpted list I haven’t heard. I am NOT hip to the music of today. Gotta a lot of catching up to do I guess, though if I hadn’t bothered before, why would I start now? Maybe it’s…
Maybe he meant Millenialists. Damn those evangelical Christians waiting for the Apocalypse for not going to the theater enough!