
Since Mare has from the beginning been written more as a hero than anti-hero, her very heinous action against Cassie tonight, while set up in the episode, came too suddenly for me. A little. I understand all the forces that led to this self-destructive choice, but it was still surprising and disappointing, not just

I thought about that and would have been more specific, but decided not to. Since I’m already doing sweeping generalizations covering tens of millions of people. I don’t have the data on how big are the people in other denominations doing all that fuckery. Evangelicals get the most media attention because they’re the

Oh, wow, I didn’t realize Bryant and Dakota Johnson looked alike.

Hey, American Protestant Christianity—you need an intervention. From supporting Trump to producing criminals who harm the most vulnerable like this guy (not to mention trying to overturn a democratic election and refusing to take a pandemic seriously), your religious faith is making Satan shake her head at how evil

This piece is much to long. You do not at all have to argue the merits of policy with Republicans. They could care less about policy. They’re basically xenomorphs—mindless, savage creatures that just want to go after the Democrats. Caring about the American people is not in their DNA. 

I’m a little disappointed the show isn’t about Smart leading a crack team of hackers, a la Redford in Tennis Shoes.

The font on a title card made me misread it as “From the director of I, Tongue.” I would watch Rose Byrne in that as well.

Well, this year’s circle-jerk did manage to reward one of the best films and directors of the year, as well as some of the best performances. So people can see those movies. (Though I wish Time instead of the octopus movie had won best documentary.) But at least mediocre stuff didn’t win, as is the case still too

To state the obvious—it’s nice that in this climate we’re in of anti-Asian hate, a Chinese-American woman won the best director Oscar—the second woman ever to do so and the first Asian—for directing an epic film about America.

Nice cliffhanger fakeout suggesting, through the cutting, that Kenny had raped his own daughter. Maybe he did and the friend’s speculation that it was Frank is the actual red herring.

Can I say I didn’t read his comment as a defense of Rudin, and not mocking the Hanks’? “God-man” is a comical expression of sincere liking. Same with “cool people.” And they’re cool because they got the virus early and survived it. The last two sentences read as sincere, not sarcastic. I may be wrong, but that was my

I read Michael Chabon’s Medium post, “Apology of a Rudin Apologist.”

So we all know America has a huge anti-intellectual problem driven by awful Republican disinformation media and tribal polarization caused by the same and the GOP. It’s not a physical virus, like COVID, but a mental virus that has infected far more people than the coronavirus has. It keeps people from voting for their

It’s refreshing to occasionally think, “I want the last 40 seconds of my life back.” It’s a reminder to seize the day; gather your rosebuds while ye may; or motherfucking something.

Did you mix up Katie Couric for Savannah Guthrie? Couric's episodes already aired; Guthrie's have not.

I don’t know what she said but Twitter is pretty awful and contrary to the natural human condition where you can have a wrong, bad thought, say it, and then not feel and think that way anymore, from a minute later to longer. Alas with social media, these are immortalized and weaponized to be used against you for

I keep wanting him to direct SNL film shorts. So far, no dice.

I hear your thinking, but I don’t believe I wrote anything that would give her a “mental health crisis.” You’re going a tad overboard with the speculation and personality profile based on what I wrote.  Sounds to me I described a standard current Republican. There are millions of them. If I had written she’s a Q

I should have said I was kind of being facetious. Watching the film, you see no reason for Tomei’s nude scenes, more than one, with each a little longer than the usual nude scene, like a European movie. On this last rewatch I did wonder why they were there. One speculation was Lumet was a dirty old man (also kind of

It's a great movie, though pretty grim. First time I saw it I was very surprised the ending went there.