
I’m in the North San Fernando Valley. The specific library I don’t want to say on the very remote chance anybody I know from there is reading this and would be able to guess my identity. You’re welcome to drop by if you’re in the neighborhood! Before the pandemic, it was great volunteering at the bookstore and I miss

I don’t think she is after the first half hour. I recall two scenes—and a big spoiler alert for the second: the first is the beginning of the movie with PTH in bed. The second happens when we find out (stop reading now if you haven’t seen the movie and you want to be surprised, I’m warning you) that she’s been

Not long-ago rotations on cable say she’s naked twice, within the first half hour of the movie, and the first time within a few minutes of its start. I first thought Lumet was being a dirty old man (even if understandable, because, my god, her body at that age), but I chose to read it as Lumet giving the audience some

She’s otherwise a good, nice person and I believe you shouldn’t sunder good relationships over political opinions. But I’ll admit I did think about ending things once or twice, because I dwell on these conversatioms after they happen. Primarily it’s my frustration and incredulity that she seems not to believe so much

I became friends with her years before she became radicalized with hating the left for, as she believes, practising identity politics and intolerance. Then she liked Trump and cancelled her LA Times subscription and stopped reading the New Yorker. I’ve been trying, not very hard, to get her to see her media is the

Surely your local library has one. They’re used books people donate, usually on bookshelves, you can buy for a quarter to a dollar, and the money helps fund the library’s activities. My library, we have an entire room at the front you walk into and there are shelves and shelves of books. We do pretty good selling them

Talking with a friend this morning and she feels depressed over what society did in the past year and a half dealing with the pandemic, with her losing faith in presumably government leaders and media, but she didn’t want to talk about it so I didn’t. I don’t exactly know if she thinks the casualty numbers are

I don’t remember this movie much, but from the description of Vikander’s character, it sounds similar to current Best Actress nominee Carey Mulligan’s part in Promising Young Woman. Being a formidable, frightening woman who also has a vulnerability and great pathos underneath the surface stoicism and cruelty, so that

Good trailer, but I’m disappointed a movie called Annette doesn’t have Annette Bening in it somewhere. Maybe the movie will also have time travel and the baby will grow up to be her. Here’s hoping.

Someone as well educated as a judge would have to be very, very stupid not to understand that saying Black Lives Matter doesn’t at all mean thinking that all lives don’t matter. They’re not contradictory. This is as obvious as the sun you see in the sky. No one could be that stupid. Unless they’re racist.

You know, if the best scene in your movie was written by a child, that doesn’t bode well for the creativity, discipline, and intelligence put into all the other scenes and the movie as a whole. Just sayin’.

Laura Donnelly and Ann Skelly are pretty charismatic in emotionally contrasting ways. I’m dazzled by Skelly’s effervescence and cuteness, personality-wise. She reminds me a bit of Saiorse Ronan. Donnelly is compelling with her sardonic personality masking depth and intelligence.

That’s an old stereotype though. The population of celebrities being pretty big, it’s too sweeping a generalization, and innacurate, to say they’re mostly dumb. There are many more Americans without college degrees than Americans with one. And even that is not a sure sign of intelligence. Would we say members of any

Since the story came out a few days ago, I misread the headline as an update that Guiness had actually taken the wabbit. Which would have been interesting. Poor Darius, hope he's okay.

Don’t forget the Thomas’s also wrote Predator 2, a good movie.

How about an Indiana Jones flick that steals the high concept of Into The Spider-verse and has multiple Indys, like Waller-Bridge and Mikkelsen. I’d watch that. Or make it into a short story anthology film with different versions of the character, made with different auteur directors.

They found out Meghan said to Philip a few hours before that she always hated those kids who had ponies growing up.

I read the headline as the musician Phoebe Bridgers (whose work I barely know) was in fedora, cracking a whip in an Indiana Jones film, and I became intrigued. But Waller-Bridge is pretty good too. In fact, I’m all for beautiful, statuesque and elegant members of the Commonwealth continuing to appear in these movies.

I’m sorry but despite the great Katey Sagal and the project’s other merits, I’m not watching a show where a character is nicknamed “Rebel.” Maybe I would have if Rebel were actually a very timid woman who never left her house, but even then it’s a stupid, unbelievable nickname.

“Mother. Father. Always you wrestle inside me. Always you will.” Wait, wrong movie about an auteur’s childhood.