
Behind him, is that only wallpaper of books on shelves? They look two-dimensional and all the books too old and worn down.

Like cartoon Orson Welles making a random declaration of love for fish sticks, please allow me to extoll how damn sexy I find Ms. Watts. Of all of Hollywood’s actresses, it’s her and Carla Gugino at the pinnacle of holy hell hotness. Thank you for attending my Arby’s Talk.

Ok, the “Link” tool doesn’t seem to be working. It was Dowd’s 2019 Cannes review of Mektoub: My Love: Intermezzo, a movie made by the Blue is The Warmest Color director. Headline: “The big disaster of Cannes arrives and it’s 4 mind and ass-numbing hours of twerking.”

The name Atlas Shrugged actors—whoever they were—should apologize, to Joe Biden, personally!

Hmm, should I see this three hour movie about philosophical conversations, or should I watch the three hour movie from a few years back about girls twerking in a disco? The mind, or the flesh? Reason, or Eros? Decisions, decisions. Just kidding! I’ll watch neither of them.

I last saw this dude in a recent rewatch of the awesome Bowfinger. To have avoided this kind of attention, he could have said he declined this movie and they filmed him without his knowledge going about his life.

I don’t know why but I skipped the original series. I was the right age but it never caught my interest. However, now that I’m an adult, a new version with a black pre-teen in 1968 sounds intriguing.

I skipped last night’s show because the cold open appeared dreadful. Seeing this nice-concept filmed piece now, I was disappointed. The problems with current SNL are encapsulated with the title card, telling us it’s a Stanley Kubrick film. This was unnecessary as 1) Kubrick has been dead for some time and 2) it felt

Rich, cruel capitalists really hit the lottery with the discovery that using race and culture could keep these morons in line, right?

I hadn’t considered that rape-revenge movies served a higher purpose than being exploitation films. Interesting argument. I guess they can be cathartic in the way described.

I’ve never seen 9 and a 1/2 Weeks and Grumpy Old Men before, so could do that as a double feature.

It would have been cool if the secret final villain had been Rhea Seehorn, and she knew martial arts.

I’m sure the following joke is very trite by now. But I don’t care about this show and haven’t read its coverage and discourse. So I will proceed. Ready? Are you sure? Ok, last chance to back out? Alright, here we go. *cracks palms, does vocal throat clearing excercises*

Reading this movie’s reviews made me more of an unkind Scrooge: it still baffles me that this genre has the cultural dominance it does, and I arrogantly wonder, even more, why so many adults continue to have fervor for it. Don’t get me wrong, I like and love individual films and have seen them since I was a pre-teen.

The Buried Giant was my favorite novel of that year. When I first heard about this new one, I had some trepidation given the reviews for (other favorite) Ian McEwan’s recent AI novel, which I still haven’t read. But the criticism of that, iirc, was based on McEwan pompously pronouncing that sci-fi fiction hadn’t

I might as well recommend the WTF interview from a few weeks back with Jodie Foster. It’s a very entertaining talk and she’s delightful. Maron and she get to talking about Gibson and she tells him what she told her kids: just because a good friend or loved one robs the local 7/11, you’ll still go see them in prison.

I liked the series’ concept (even if suspecting its an old one in sci-fi book fiction), and I liked the pilot’s plot in theory—but both were executed badly. Some risible dialogue with bombastic music meant to convey emotions we don’t feel because this is the pilot and these characters are new. And right away they’re

There is that. I liked The Institute but noted it was another example of the “supernatural kid” story he loves and overuses. But I won’t fault him for rehashing stuff, since I’ve been a fan since I was a kid. I’ll just choose to see it as he loves writing and can’t stop. There was that quote a few years ago that he

Hi. Let’s pretend I’m a thirteen year old boy for the duration of this comment. Much appreciate the picture of Ms. Turner. Thank you.