
I hope you gargled with Listerine after typing this up

The dislike of Bernie from black women is such a weird thing but from all the discussions I have had about it, my opinion is it comes down to two things. Bernie is an old white man who acts like he knows everything and black people, especially black women hate that. So they look for every fault in his argument that

I think I see where you are misunderstanding this.
1. Obtaining evidence of wrong doing is fine, but Donald Trump Jr. is in no position to verify the criminal act in the evidence shared or in a position to handle this evidence. He should have contacted the FBI immediately if his intentions were just to shed a light on

1. I get what you did there
2. I think a better comparison would be if instead of typing out words for this article, he just turned around and shat on the keyboard until the weight pushed some keys down an posted that.

This comment right here should be added to the article itself. Nail on the head!

I find it ironic how in this article you have people such as yourself pointing out how wrong it is to attack the misleading BLM ties, yet in the other article that talks about the actual crime where you have a ton of comments tying it to BLM I do not see you anywhere in there trying to make sure people do not get off

Stating you are an Android user over and over to compensate for the fact that you clearly went into this review with a preconceived idea that you just wanted to validate?
1. Google Assistant- “Better than Siri, so I am going to go with Siri”....what?
2. Camera- I am not sure about that one photo you took but I have seen

Now you are comparing a team winning a championship to an individual player who had little effect on the game.

Without looking I can name every team that won a championship in the NBA (since 1957) and NFL. I know that my Bullets have just one lonely championship. Can I name every player on those rosters? No. Can I tell

Yes I am definitely assuming, but outside of a few mentions weaved into the dialogue the movies tend to happen in a container. I could be biased based on my disappointment with Age of Ultron. I think it would have been a much better movie if at any point in Avengers or Iron Man 3 we saw Tony working towards creating

The whole reason that these sports are on TV is to entertain us. We follow players all through their career and one of the primary reasons we do follow is because we want to see that potential realized. When you don’t see that potential realized it hurts.

Most of the stakes that you are listing will all happen off screen. On screen in the next film, the status quo will return. Rhodes (a character not even worth getting his own solo film) will be back in time for Thanos.
The airport battle was entertaining as hell but there definitely was never a chance that anything

Look at this this way, when Thanos come knocking the door down, will anything that happened in Civil War actually be a hurdle for getting everything back to normal? Kind of like how Hawkeye was retired for around 30 minutes of film time between AoU and CW.

It becomes harder and harder to buy the stakes in these movies

People simply don’t want the refs deciding the game. Calling a ticky tack foul that changes the game is what people do not want. There was nothing ticky tack about this play. Not calling it is deciding the game just as much as calling a ticky tack foul would have.
Using your logic, Dionne could have kicked Ginolbli in

I travel often and the 24 inch is my flying partner. Agreed on the durability. It has some scratches on it but nothing major. It is very important to me that it is small and has 4 wheels that can go in any direction. This fits those and manages to look stylish as well for a good price.

I travel often and the 24 inch is my flying partner. Agreed on the durability. It has some scratches on it but

Theaters actually make very little off of the first few weeks of a movie. That is the primary reason that those “popcorn and drinks” cost $20
And I am not dismissing the 800 million number altogether, I have just seen is spouted over and over again as gospel when there is no evidence to back it up. They also had a

“I love that you’re complaining about Variety, a respected trade publication, “pulling numbers out its ass” and yet you’re using an unsourced “$150 million” marketing budget number.”
That number came from the same article. No one actually knows what the budget and marketing costs are but so many people talk like they

I keep seeing people saying “They need 800 million to break even” yet not a single actual report that explains that. It was just an article in Variety that pulled that number out of its ass and people ran with it because they want to paint it as a failure. Production was $250, marketing $150..take those numbers and

I won $200 dollars off of this bear on Fan Duel.

I am on stock ROM 4.2.2 and I just use Nova Launcher to replace the stock launcher. Fairly easy and can be picked up in the Play Store.

I hate ticky tack calls that decide games just as much as anyone but there is a huge difference between "letting them play" and this. Any ref that doesn't make that call in any quarter of play should turn in their whistle.