
I have a Galaxy Nexus, rooted and running Paranoid Android 3.10. I have 173 apps. Over half of them are paid apps. The last one I bought was an icon pack for $2.49. I also don't make stupid generalizations.

Articles like this are the exact reason a lot of people despise Apple and the tech media that goes out of its way to make excuses for them.

Thank you +1

We like to be called Bullets fans thank you very much.

To me Wilbon comes off as "I have moved on to bigger and better things than DC" and now that the city is winning and getting some attention from the national media, he has sour grapes. No we arent NY, Philly or Boston but a lot of those fans are crazy....not just about sports. I think we are a pretty decent sports

The Nats havent even been here 10 years yet, it would be foolish to think they could compete with the Skins so soon. Many people in this town were and still are Orioles fans, the Nats are just in a weird place, but I think that will change over time. That being said, I have been gone to a handfull of games every year