
Someone sue Tesla over Autopilot OUTSIDE of California. Someplace that does not habitually kiss Musk’s ass. Maybe then Tesla will 1) stop calling that death trap “auto-pilot”, and 2) deactivate it until that actually get it working RIGHT! I’m sure they could focus on getting the ADAS systems working properly much

If only that was the intent. Somehow I doubt it.

How does suing someone for Defamation, even if he lost, which could just be a function of “he;s rich so will give him a pass”, rises to teh level of “trying to take [our] freedom of speech from us?

As I said before, I was not kidding, I would be hard pressed to give and answer. Anything else would be books, comics, novelizations and so on.

Mad Max isn’t meant to be an extended universe or an alternate history.

I still feel like some clarification of some point, not just throw away lines that have no real meaning when they were said, would be highly desired. Basically a movies or series set in another region where the circumstances are going to be quite different.

Blade Runner has always been sort of a mixed bag. It is almost clean of any bad or weak side works, even the new Blade Runner comic is still too new to make much of an impact. The thing is there is so LITTLE known of that world, it gets REALLY hard to tell stories that are not more “cops who are androids hunting

I won’t lie, outside of Star Wars, “Rogue One”, “Clone Wars”,Rebels”, “Shadows of the Empire”, I am hard pressed to give an answer. But then Star Wars encouraged such. The problem you have is you can not name any good examples and WHY they are good.

I would not be averse to some side movies inteh same universe, that go toward explaining certain aspects of how that world works. They should not impact the main “Mad Max” stories, but would allow for some world building we typically do not have time for between car wars.

1) The man’s name is Unsworth.

Teh instigating insults by Unsworth, aof a “PR stunt” does not rise to the level of a libelous retort calling the Unsworth a Pedophile or “Pedo guy”. The retort was in fact potentially defamatory.

Wasting time and money on this instead of the GT-R36... That would have been the best 50th anniversary debut. Also a rethink of the GT-R from a “one and done”, all-out, car, to something with ever escalating levels, much like a Porsche 911 or Corvette.

This is what happens when you let a highly regarded car go on Hiatus for an unnecessarily long span of time, and then follow that up with a car that does not at least reach the same high points of the previous car.

Will FE get saddled with the same lop-sided, “that is clearly unfair”, “This isn’t racing this is some kind of racketeering”, BS that makes F1 kinda’NOT actually fun to watch.

If that qualifies as the ”most Texas truck” you have ever seen, you 1) are not from, in, or been to Texas and 2) you were not looking, not “nearly hard enough”, try AT ALL.

When was that posted? It sounds like a response to the rather quick release of the Mack-E, which is late 2020 to early 2021. But then this is a major car maker that ships on time.

Yeah, but that is electronic and information warfare.

Roaster 2.0 = Not date or time frame given.

You know what? I can offer a simple solution that will solve all questions:

I would say “BULLETPROOF body panels and glass, especially if this glass is as I suspect is supposed to be ALON (Transparent Aluminum, for no less that $100K. ALON is more expensive than Carbon Fiber due to all the processing required. ALON does not even come out transparent without a LOT of mechanical buffing and