
Well sure that was going to happen for one major reason: The Mercedes and Toyota use a LOT of technology to overcome that mechanical shortcomings. The Wrangler is fundamentally a off road vehicle and is not equipped like a moon rover. It also explains why a Wrangler Rubicon costs SO much less.

You would need to define that qualifier “boutique”in context to “failure”. If a car makers opts to sell extremely few and they make their money doing so, I can not call that a flop or failure.

Mazda’s version of the Wankel Rotary engine was very finicky, easy to fall behind on maintenance and care, and extremely hard to correct once problems set in. The engine was passion project by Mazda, which is why they hung on to it while other companies let it go for its faults.

Not tragically. But it was REALLY easy to screw up and HARDER to correct.

Correction: So completely stripped...

And they say humans are excellent at pattern recognition? You can’t tell a frame completely stripped to the rails from one with the splash guards, and welded body panels, still attached.

Wow. You never thought that maybe, JUST MAYBE... he HIRED engineers, did you. You show up with a sickening stupid comment like that and expect to be taken seriously.

You know if made today teh W8 would have Muffler/exhaust valves to go from quiet to loud AF. That is it actually only as loud as a luxury car with less than  1/3 the horsepower is a feat.

So did the Vector W8 and a much freer hand to make a car that was the Supercar to beat in its time, at least until the McLaren F1 rolled in. GM Literally did not want the Fiero to happen.

Look up Vector W8 Chassis.

Am I the only one who sees the gif in the title and thinks “OMG! He crashed right into the speed boost!”

I blame credit “The Fast and the Furious” movie series.

Great... the return of the FWD that looks like a RWD. Lame garbage like this is why CUVs are taking over. Those at least look like they are or could be off-road vehicles. FWDs that look like RWDs don’t fool anyone, Especially once you “put your foot in it”.

I really don’t have a “vendetta” against a car or car company. It is not that I am naive or ignorant, it is that if there is a car or car company that makes me want to “hate” it that badly, I simply refuse to acknowledge its existence.

Nah that’s not it. Ferrari and Lamborghinis, elite cars in general, especially Ferrari are snobs toward anything “low rent” like a Corvette, or Viper, Jaguars, the 911, and we won’t get into the Japanese.. It’s about price point and not engine layout for the elites. Ferraris respect Aston Martins, as an example.

I really don’t think anyone watching auto-racing cares about “burning oil” as being a turn-off or not being an attractor for their attention.

Possibly a crime in progress. Guy walks into a vechile drops off money and exits on the other side having pickup some illegal substance or something.

Yeah sure... Okay... It is a very attractive car that is not garishly crinkle cut with creases and hard edges.. so it has to be copying the Miata. Like the Corvair, this is a case of copying a design, changing the proportions and you get a much better looking car.

Battery swaps do not work in full sized vehicles. They do not even work in golf carts. The Batteries are too big, heavy, expensive, there is no uniform connector or battery plan design, and for the system to work you have to have TWICE as many batteries as there are BEVs in the service area plus any travel range

I was actually expecting them to try something more similar to the Koenigsegg Regera...