
Actually, the Ginetta G60 is an RMR sport car, not unlike the Porsche 718/Cayman.

I would just have GM develop a new DSG/DCT. The torque-convertor automatic is fine for a Buick or Cadillac, but for a sports car? I get it it makes teh car more available to more drivers thus selling more units, and making money is the BIG goal here. But GM could stand to expand their transmission portfolio. I do not

To your first few paragraphs I have to say “Can the defeatist talk”. I would go deep into a response but I’ll say this. You could have saved me ten minutes of reading and just said “Cadillac should not even try”.

When Cadillac was “taking it to the Germans” they were on the right track. They had a goal to aim for and it was NO SECRET what they needed to do to hit the mark even destroy it. But GM, as ever more focused of profit that product that will make the profit, forced Cadillac to settle on “good enough” even as Cadillac

YOu are not wrong. GM needs to 1) get out fo Cadillac’s way and 2) Cadillac needs to stop settling for “good enough”. Get those two things to start and I think Cadillac will do great from that point forward.

I always thought the franchise idea was the way to do for future Ghostbusters movies, it only made sense.

What Cadillac need to really do to convince is to pick ONE thing, get good at it, and then get better at it relentlessly, non-stop, forever.

Like most TV, “The Simpsons” this was just background noise for my normal life.

Unfortunately, right now. EV bikes are usually stupid expensive simply because of the tech involved. NO ONE currently makes inexpensive or actually cheap EV bikes.

Oh, that must apply to Euroepans as well then, “G”. As I recall Ferrari is ditching Manuals, Lamborghini as well, Porsche is one slow quarter of manual sells from ditching them entirely, Mercedes, BMW, and Audi are not too keen on them as they barely discuss their existence in their cars any more.

I know you are being an ass. If you are at all being serious about yourhate-on” for the car then you are NO true car lover nor a proper enthusiast. A true car lover accepts others will love what you do not and a Proper enthusiast knows better than to dis a near perennial fan favorite.

But Track times and appealing to the largest number or prospect buyers is KEY... especially in a time when selling cars at all is increasingly difficult and the car has to sell enough, so the monetary loses of having manuals in stock is just unacceptable.

I prefer an unmolested, or tactfully touched up, Mk4 thank you.

Two guys walk into a bar. One is a Mustang and the other a Supra...

It looks kinda stubby and “clumsy”(?). The Mk5 certainly does not look as good in pictures as the Mk4 does. For a car everyone wanted to come back (or so it seemed), this feels so much like Toyota design just phoned it in.

Someone make a BEV truck like this...

It would be easier, but I doubt it would be cost effect if you are honestly aiming for a start price UNDER $19,000 and topping out UNDER $30K.

Yeah, well make some performance CARS, besides the Mustang. and if you are going to keep escalating the price, make a car slotted under the Mustang... Call it the Maverick.

And that does nothing to add or detract from my first statement that EV buyers want Teslas, not EVs. Otherwise, cars like the BOLT, and LEAF among others would be flying off lots.

Can not unsee...