
It costs about that much to fully deck out a kit car, especially like this one is. So maybe not a nice price, but a fair price.

I saw both, so no losers there. The problem I see is Dune could be yet another great movie that failed to draw much of an audience.

It was Australia’s Government that decided to open up their car market making those decisions from Detroit (short hand for the American car makers as a group) a moot point. Australia was no longer profitable to make stuff there anymore and forced Detroit to make a move that ended up being no very popular at all.

Its a noticeably less psychotic “I hate Fairyland/F*ck Fairyland”.

Detroit made the decision to shut down manufacturing in Australia becasue it was no long a captive market and Australia is a SMALL market, barely the size of the state of Michigan literally. The Australian Govt opened up their car market to the world and the Asian car makers swooped in and made it unprofitable to make

They will learn to not race trucks on tarmac except for a straight or race launch. Traction rolling is a real problem with trucks and S/CUVs. It does not take all that much to make it happen so you want a surface with a good amount of give, like a a dirt track or unpaved road.

They don’t make utes. “car-tucks”, anymore, since Australia shot their auto industry in the face opening it up to the world.

Dude its a TV series not a movie. Literally no one on your list would work for less than the whole seasons budget.

Spike and Jet are both white.

I am going to guess they were all high and/or drunk, had oine jhell of a nerdy conversation, and remembered what they said and did the following day and thus was The Amazing World of Gumball conceived.

Give it a few years the Model 3 has only been out for what a year at this point?

It is a bundle of technological wonders.

World’s fastest brick” goes to the McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II. So, not going to happen Nissan. Not going to happen.

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I will be honest.

I’m not sure if we need more Robocop. I won’t fight it if there is. I have the original on DVD at home so I’m not invested in a reboot. But Neill Blomkamp and his previous movies mark him as a really good fit for a RoboCop Movie.

Tesla needs to use more aggressive cooling systems. Seriously just because you are not using a ICE, does not mean the EP systems are “Cold as ice”... Although ironically “Cold as ICE” seems about right.

Uhem! Only one Indiana Jones Sequel was “mediocre to bad” the fourth one, that Crystal skull one that was a hideously bad riff on “Raiders of the Lost Ark” and “The Last Crusade” at the same time.

So we are told. But that is almost NEVER seen in action.

That is almost sad and yet heart warming.