
I’m not really sure where “Vipers can’t handle” came from. That might have been true back in the mid-90s when the car first came out, but since then the car just got better to the point it literally handles like a slot car, unless you try to steer on Asphalt with a layer of dry sand. I saw that vid. NOTHING can steer

So what’s that blue car in the title?  I know it is a concept but whose and what year.

The 1963 Chrysler Turbine car’s Turbine engine cost about as much as a V8 engine at that time. Extrapolate for today and consider the average crate price for an American V8, and you are looking at a $10K-$12K engine conservatively.

The simple answer:

This is a prop car, right? From a movie meant to look like a live action cartoon?

That really comes down to suspension setup and geometry. There is still some perception that Tesla’s are basically slapped together and rely on the Motors and AWD setups, of acceleration and speed. That tire squall is all the indication that the car can not handle all that well.

My bad.

Read your link again, the car is $39,900

Only as a flash back or Jim is playing a a old recording of his dad. Having George “rise from his noble grave” (The Man played ‘suicide sentry’ to save the crew, his wife, and unborn son, LEAVE HIM DEAD!) would cheapen who he was and what he means to Jim Kirk. I mean all his fathers and father figures are DEAD.

Not really a surprise. The C7 ZR1 weighs at least 600lbs less. Has a lower profile to the wind so once up and going encounters much less wind resistence or drag. Has almost as much horsepower. and is by default just a faster car....

It is a tank not sports car and he has to do 25+ things at once NOT associated with driving. Of course, it’s not going to be stick.

You really have no idea how conversations work do you?

Who aside for five year olds, “girlie-girls”, “girlie-men””,and the terminally immature uses the word “yucky”? If your definition of “immature” allows you to skirt this then you really need to grow up more than a little.

None of them. The word “yucky is pretty much the most subjective and immature term, in the discussion of automobiles, I have ever seen. Worse you did NOTHING to justify the use of that term. The word it so nebulous you HAVE to go in detail. Throwing it out that lazily like that is just... stupid.

The C3 was the second weakest, but engine output. The C4 reacted the most readily to MORE power slightly more so than the C2. And none of the Vettes were ”yucky”(A more subjective and immature term to use, in a discussion of automobiles, I could never imagine).


And this is what happens when you elect a wealthy person, who has NEVER wanted for anything in their entire lives, in charge of a country whose resources he has been told is really for the rich and the poor don’t matter and lives in a “Zero Sum” world (which this is not anymore by the way).

1) Modified engines tend to be “unicorns”. There was no production flat plane crank LT5.

1) It was a modified engine from the original condition. This is not unheard of. Do not even pretend it is.

The rear faces of vehicles are usually very limited in design because so little goes on back there. RMR sports cars tend to have such overtly designed rears because there is so much that goes on back there. On top of aero and taillights, combustion exhaust, there is also thermal exhaust from the engine. So the grill