
Try looking up”Lifetime environmental impact of electric vehicle (or car)“. You can expand it to include “Internal Combustion Vehcile”. I find “ICE” does not get that many relevant hits.

Their is “like” and “sold my soul to them”. I like them but I have not “sold my soul to them or the cause of them”. There are more effective ways to positively aid the environment that attacking ICE-Vs. Ways such as actually directly engaging Power producers, and their power plants, to make powering our home,

It’s thought that Saturday’s panel might have featured a surprise announcement for the series’ premiere.

Let me guess because Putin says it it must be false, wrong, or otherwise some form of Russo-communist propaganda.

Lest we forget...

Really? A Charlie’s Angels comic? Wasn’t that done already?

Dingus, I was responding to the first comment he made, and not the second. And since I’m not exactly preaching the point merely sharing information, You really need to stop talking about yourself.

A Parsec is a measure of distance.

OMG... Someone actually gave a relevant citation. No. Seriously, Thank you for NOT being some [dolt] whose only retort is essentially “Nuh-uh”.

EVs do not mean in the industry, as much as it does to greenies and “lookie-loos”, to mean ONLY Battery Electric Vehicles. EVs, or Eletricified Vechiles, can mean anything from BEVs to Hybrids from 48-volt mild hybrids all teh way to multi-motor strong hybrids, that most peole think of when you say Hybrid”.

Yeah, But I think either DMC would have been one of the early ones in the world post WW2, and/or certainly the first ATV in the US Market. Sad though, I looks like DMC was looking forward to existing.

In terms of “Go fast”, Torque makes you “go”, Horsepower makes you “fast”.

I remember as a kid people were worshiping Freddy Krueger and Jason Vorhees in much the same way. Of course, the Internet was still a good 10 years from becoming a thing, never mind the unhinged monster it is today.

It would be more about seizing a market that any degree of “Saving the environment”. It is well understood that making BEVs will actually make China’s air quality worse, because of how they generate electricity, 90% with Coal. They have made only token efforts to correct this. Until that is done, increasing demands on

I won’t try to respond to every point, but...

Much less expensive to be certain. A Traxxas bandit is about $300 new, dump $1000 of electronics on that and Lord knows how many man hours, made fun by doing this with others, and who knows?

Yeah, Let’s make the door open up for you instead of only UNLOCKING and opening when the USER AT THE DOOR decides it is safe to open it. You can’t plan for EVERY eventuality, so don’t even try. The car should never do more than is safe, for itself or those around it, to do.

NASCAR was already the Whitest American sport series in a sport that is very white in the US.

“The Manual is dying out and only has until maybe 2030.”