
Over there in Scotland is NOT the USA. We are not all one world where everyone does the same things on every level. Some things will work there and not here and vice versa.

It is now official BMW is out of new ideas (not that there is anything wrong with doing what you did before just do it better), and can’t even copy good design ideas right.

“So that’s where he put it. We could have used that thing last week to save the world in five minutes instead of struggling for week against all odds, evil masterminds, and a moving goal post.”

That graphic is about as clear as dirty dish water. It gives just enough information to mean “something” but not enough to actually mean anything EXCEPT what Greeines want it to mean, i.e. “ICE-Vs are bad”. And get the band-aids there are some sharp knives in there, also known as details you need to know.

The Hood/bonnet has some C7 Corvette going on. If you remove that annoying chrome strip from the C7 grill... at well. Pretty close.

Automotive design is a pretty incestuous part of the industry. The same relatively few designers float around all the companies for the majority of their careers doing roughly the same work, with the same styles and motifs, where ever they go. More, if someone has some “hot new spin” on design, everyone is going to

Kobik did not undo everything. Everything that happened in the series still happened. She undid everything Alt-Cap tried to do, fix the damages created by the original assault and take over, turned all the Superheoes into fascists, killed all the mutants, etc, with the power of the Cosmic Cube.

But I guess when you only offer about five models at a time, hybridizing all of them isn’t a huuuge task.

Let’s forget for a the time being that American’s are not of a mindset to be function in anyway neighborly or civilly in such an environment. At least not with armed cops (Judges) ready to whup your ass for so much as spitting into the dirt and covering it up.

When Harley bought Buell, they should have just built Buells.

Like Jeep, Just glom onto a venerable heritage. In the US that is, like it or not, WAR. So make a modern, dirt simple, goes anywhere does anything Warbike.

He looks sad not dumb.

That progress is only undone if that progress is reversed or otherwise erased. As it is, any progress made in areas is just slowed or stalled. But if Govt can not be had in the corner of these concerns, social, environmental, and so on, then it does become easy to backpedal. For now as long as there are those in the

What would have been better is if this “Death Note” DID take place in the US, but it was a different Death Note and characters altogether. Still the same over all set up and themes but it all happens differently.

One of the biggest lies ever told to the American people is that the President is like a King or Emperor, but on for 4-8 years. The President can not rule by decree. And getting the “right guy” in will not fix or destroy everything.

The “110 and 1 Highway”. No fancy names. No celebration. Reduce it to a number. Let’s see how those white racists like their hero reduced to a number, just like the slaves this ass held and fought to keep in chains, having their name stripped from them at the very least.

It has a lot to do with the way the Japanese studios handle 3D-CGI most of the time. it is VERY different from how US and European Studio handle it. While the US tries to bring animation closer to reality (take that as you like), the Japanese are always trying to stay as true to their traditional 2D anime... and

The F-14 Tomcat: Definitively America’s Fighter Plane.

The word you are looking for is “glacial”.

That again only assumes this RMR Corvette does not screw the pooch on price. One of the Corvette’s most enduring advantages is that it costs much than half of a typical suburban home and yet has the same performance game as cars costing 2-4 times as much or more. Going RMR on that basis makes no sense.