
Private space industry. Thanks Obama!

This does beg for a serious HALO racing game.

Nerve wracking.

This is what happens when a Japanese carmaker, who does not regularly keep up their sports and performance development and product deployment, suddenly decides they are “gonna do it”. They end up with cars that are roundly incapable, but the are built well and feel like fun, even if they really aren’t much fun, that

If you weren’t talking to me, drama queen, then you should have very seriously read your by line in the comments. It tells WHO you are talking to.

Says the drama queen who is dearly in need of someone to talk to.

That lack of trusting her is why so few turned out. Trump did himself no favors either. But as I said, maybe not here, Trump got enough of the right people to vote for him.

The Problem is that lesss than half the registered electorate voted in the 2016 elections. About 46% over all. Of that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote. Trump simply got enough of the right people to vote for him in the Electoral College. Regardless of who the remaining 54% of the registered electorate would vote

If I see a “horse”. I call it a “horse”

He’d try, which would require a constitutional amendment. It would be the third rail on fire with armed guards with orders to kill, no one in their right mind would even feign the notion of touching it.

*Le sigh* They will bring back the Malibu.

Just copyright the WHOLE name.

Not so much turn evil, but Superman and Batman are so certain in doing “the right thing” their way it could technically be considered evil. WW would be fighting to drag them back from the brink.

She looks like a bloody cartoon character.

Agreed. Germany does not pull their own weight. It may be a sentiment similar to Japan’s, that they do not want to be a military power beyond their own borders. Penance for WW2.

[edit] As NATO goes, I look to England and France.

Was NATO goes I look to England and France.

Correction: Trump IS interested in NOT investing in NATO.

A “closer relationship” is not appeasement. Giving an autocratic authoritarian dictatorship regime what they want will only enthuse them to take MORE. “Give them and inch and they will take a mile”.

No. I’m just very upset about this entire overall situation. I just can not believe my country which so firmly believed tomorrow will be better than yesterday as long as work at it today has fallen so far, since I was a kid.