
A $250K dollar car “totaled” with only THAT much damage? Yes, obvious suspension damage included. Seems like the Mustang did the PG a favor showing him he spent his money poorly. Particularly the insurance.

I would have felt better about this is Deckard has disappeared with Rachel and not come back. They make elusions to him, Say he existed and maybe what they think happened to him, maybe get a few messages he left behind that helps solve the case, but other than that no Deckard.

The total spread isn’t even ONE WHOLE INCH. I don’t think there is a problem here, at least until you get to coupes or 4-door sedans trying to be like coupes. I’m not six foot, but honestly, if you are having trouble with a different of LESS than one inch, then nor of them ever had enough room for you.

Chevrolet, why not slap an SS badge on this bad boy?

Superman’s Emblem Toss ABSOLUTELY should have been in Injustice 2.

Okay. Don’t let anything terrible of note happen to you. Don’t let others come to your aid, in and ordinary or extraordinary ways. Because someone will assume its a scam and you MUST be a bad guy.

Better that than the other...

Well, to be honest AMC was done in by the owners and bosses deciding to fight the unions to the point they dealt their own company a death blow that slowly killed AMC by 1984. This was the real cause for AMC falling and having outdated product.

I thin you and others are taking this down a road I did not originally intend. Admittedly , playing along was no help.

Back in 2005 There was the Mitsubishi Eclipse Ralliart Concept.

I should be clearer, but “Human made technology”. Superman rockin’ Kryptonian tech and not shearing makes sense as that stuff is millennia ahead of humanity’s best thinking. Especially some previous iterations of Superman whose tech was crystal based, something Humans have postulated (holographic memory) as doable but


I’m on more about the fact that you have these hugely advanced technologies Supers get to use, that they developed in a lab or their garage (which happens rather frequently) and then you have the rest of the world, that reflects today. I would be fine with it except that such radical human leaps in technology are just

But it still comes back to the severe technological gap between the Supers and the rest of the world. It is still VERY irksome.

But a future with more democratized superpower doesn’t have to mean a future where supermen has less relevance - it can mean more stories where their character holds greater relevance than their power.

It has more to do withet level of education and experience, plus people he has/had teaching him. And I failed to mention Galactus, who would know more than any human what is what. Adult Franklin would simply know what he is doing to a much greater degree and in finer detail than Kyle.

It is one of those “because comics” tropes used to make their world seem more relateable. My common gripe is why do the supers have such a HUGE technological gap over the rest of the world. If the JLA/Cadmus or AVENGERS/SWORD/SHIELD, and all else can be at least 100 years in the future why are the rest of their Earths

After the last few DC Crises, I don’t think many of the veteran Supers in DC really would be thrown at all, even deep seeded fanboys, if their favorite sci-fi or fantasy was a real live universe somewhere and they ended up in it. They know every fiction exists for real in another universe.

I won’t doubt it. But in the 1970s and 1980s would have been prime time to double down on Sports cars. That was just the right time. That does not mean AMC stops making regular cars, particularly the Spirit and its variants, the Eagle, Concord, and AMX/1. Again growing out from there.