
The knee jerk reaction to that would be: “Why does a black man have to play an INFERIOR android?”

I could see Murphy playing a Harcourt Fenton Mud or Cyrano Jones type of character. Even playing a kind of Pluto Nash would be pretty cool, portraying a side of Life in Space we don’t normally see in Star Trek.

Reminds me of those videos of robots learning to catch a thrown ball. Yipes that could go far.

Clay Generated Imagery?

And like that its the 1980s again, when seemingly everyone was making cheap knock offs of true tent pole, groundbreaking, just plain awesome movies.

Okay... You made me look.

Stop talking to yourself. Especially since I was talking about Star Wars in general, not a statue an action figure. Drama queen.

Last Word.

Aww, He’s mad.

Well let’s hope they do something interesting. I so vaguely remember the TV show, if they did anything at all, I would be impressed. But the trailer teaser gives the impression that an all-female village is what they are going to do.

I was not even talking to you. You can’t stand me having a normal conversation with other people? Desperate for some attention like a needy little maladjusted whore? But it does explain why you went to sex when it wasn’t brought up.

Some movies should be animated, because it is the only way to get it entirely write.

The leading image for the article made me think of a prequel to “Reign of Fire”, where we get to see the dragons, who originally almost totally wiped out the dinosaurs, destroy the world and humanity hopelessly driven nearly to extension. I was not at all thinking of a D&D jungle crawl, same ting as a dungeon crawl

Actually accoring to he cartoon show canon, in the later series of the US TV show, there was a second village of all female smurfs. The particular story behind that eludes me but I have impressions of it being pretty awkard, involving what was almost a divorce between Papa Smurf and “Mama” Smurf, resulting a Mama


Iron Knight would be Goliath Mark 2...

Cars 3 will be about electric cars. 

Its more an issue of stuff hitting you. When you have a car that looks like a toy and is literally going to be invisible to most other vehicles, being that small is a serious problem.

Yeah which one would you rather be in during an accident? 

I want to feel goo about this one, but no. Just buy a modestly used MY2005 to 2009 Mustang convertible.