
For some reason I’m waiting for a “ROM: The Spaceknight” Movie. A combination of “The Thing”, “The Terminator”, “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”, with a big, seven foot tall, chrome robot dude.

That is one of those reasons Lucas had to think on when people starting giving Star Wars some actual thought. Some issues like logistics, how they got the fighters to the Rebellion, still remain, but otherwise, Aqua-Impura covered it pretty will.

The paper says not necessarily, speaking with analysts who think Trump will “ease his stance on trade after taking office.”

I’m fairly sure that is not what people meant by Keaton needing to play “Birdman” in an actual superhero movie.

If you are going to give a car with Carbon fiber body rust at least make it look like natural rust this look s like a brown velvet wrap.

And how long have I been saying “turbos are NOT free power. That they push more air into the engine than the engine would pull in on its own, so it can burn MORE fuel to make more power”? That turbos don’t actually save fuel, except to allow a car to use an otherwise insufficient engine to save fuel. But these

No she is not naked. But that is a second skin type body suit. For a male brain, in a female model cyborg body, with zero body shy, it doesn’t shock

You are kidding right. That IS a turbo with an air hose connected to it.

Your “distinction” between a good analogy and poor one is between spoon fed Gerber baby food and given a well done steak and greens. Being able compare and contrast and then apply it to another set is what you are clearly unable to do.

I’m guessing you are trying to be clever. Since you have no real retort of any adequate effect, you have opted to deliberately and erroneously misconstrue my previous comments to 1) say I must be Henrik Fisker, which I am not but you could not prove it anyway (thus you have made yet another pointless response) and 2)

This is one of those movies that does NOT need a remake AT ALL. It has aged well and gets more poignant as time goes on.

Unfortunately, such a punishment would be considered as “cruel and unusual” in the US, even though it is more a case of “How do you like it? Not at all? Then stop doing it to everyone else!”

Reread your previous comments before trying to defend their lack of any proofreading or sense of actual understanding of the subject. Your thought process starts falling about not even half way through. You mix up words and object meanings.

Your response is the sad recourse of a person who knows they are wrong, and to say another more, would emasculate themselves and brand their same self a liar.

Just more proof Batman is a boy, in coma, dreaming the ENTIRE DC Universe.

Because DC science is so removed from real science, it is just as bad a being made up by a three-year-old who hear the word for the first time. 

A Ford Model T was about $500 year. When it was released cost about what a new car would cost an average family today. I very seriously doubt the average American Household drew under $250 a year. More about $3700 a year in 1919. The Average Transaction cost for a new vehicle is about $33K now in an average household

For you to even ask the question, you are not thinking.

Yeah. I wish I was rich and stupid too.