
1) Not voting is voting for the winner.

I remember when Hyundai was all like “This is going to be better than the Mustang”. Remember this?

Gearing and RPMs. The Car’s tranny is gearing more for economy and/or comfort but rarely actual performance. The Engine just does not spool up high enough and/or fast enough. Its a decently powerful engine but a dreadfully slow engine.

It’s Ford selling 500 GT’s a year for 5 years?

Soft kitty .

Give it 10 years, like the ENT-D, you will grow to love the Alternate Original Universe (AOU) Enterprise. But then I never put much emotional stock in any sci-fi vessel. If the ship is cool, then I’m okay with it. It is NOT the TOS Ent. And I prefer the TMP Ent far more.

I think they do, but they are making same mistakes, though not nearly as badly, as DC is in response, in their movies, to MARVEL’s. Paramount is responding too quickly and without far less consideration, than Star Wars is.

The Greatest piece of music in all Star Trek, “Spacedock”. Say what you want about the movie “Enterprising Young Men” is strong second place.

I am amazed that Ford bought back the car, as it was clearly being operated outside of any warranty obligation.

Stop telling people the not be heroes. It’s called being helpful beyond just calling for help. Tell them to be careful and if you can’t actually help, or feel you would be in too much danger, like the boat was a raging inferno, then let the professionals handle it.

A combination of “Stunt Racer” and “Cruisin’ USA” with graphics on par with a modern racing game. Nice.

The Honda s660 NeoClassic does not try to look like a car that came before.

Now when the smart-ass adventurer asks “do you have a hair clip?”, you will have some reason to believe he has a plan.

That is my line to you. What the fuck do you thnk I was doing? Wishful thinking.


I the type of response you’ve given is meant to “BAMM! I right... even though I’m most likely wrong” or to just start an argument.

Probably a lot. The GT-R35 is not aerodynamically tuned for top speed. It’s designed for handling. This is raison d’etre for all Nissan GT-R’s. These guys stripped off a lot to make the car slipperier to go faster. They could have taken pointers from NASCAR, which has done very good with aero that balances top speed

If Boeing is smart, they will “simply” produce an all-new plane that is a direct 747 replacement. “The 797", maybe?

There is some indication toward that. But nothing definitive has been said by GM.