
Are you serious? That is a photo of Mecca and that structure in the middle is the Kaaba. Your whole comment is based on a false premise, which you knew may be false and didn't bother to look it up. I'm pretty sure that if you google image "Mecca" a photo of Kaaba comes up. Sometimes I'm just blown away by how little

I'm glad that you mentioned the death penalty for drug smugglers being well pulicized in Indonesia, because that reinforces an important point about why death penalty is not only inhuman, but also useless: it doesn't work as a deterrent to crime. If it did, Indonesia, US, Japan, Saudi Arabia, China, etc., would be

I'm so sorry you have to go through this. That is unimaginably hard - I wish you a quick and uneventful recovery, and I hope any future pregnancies are safe, happy, and uneventful.

As of today, I am 5 days status post methotrexate therapy for treatment of an ectopic pregnancy. Although I certainly was prone to rage against shit like this before, my experience as a newly-minted "woman who is GUILTY of killing her (very wanted, but that's beside the point) BABY" has amplified my feelings about

The price of oil is dropping because of the Saudis. It is not to their detriment.

That price is dropping because of OPEC manipulation. Saudi Arabia can 'show their worth' at any time by reversing said manipulations.

because women aren't people, and potential babies might be boys and later men — who are people.

And also what is with holding women accountable for the outcome of their pregnancy, as if anyone has any control over it. It's taking a medical issue and turning it into a criminal offence.

Prisons, at least if done right, are more than just a "tiny cell" and "never-ending psychological nightmare". America ofcourse still loves to torture its massive prison population with such crude methods, as if it'd somehow help to fight crime, but the Nordic countries, for example, show that crime can be punished

But women have been arrested for having a miscarriage in US, here are a few cases:

Solitary confinement absolutely can be a form of torture, but don't kid yourself that it's cheaper to kill them than keep them. Death penalty cases cost far more money than inmates sentenced to life.

If the anti-abortion nutcases in this country have their way, this will be us before long. God damn these fucking zealots. Why aren't the lives of women considered more valuable than a cluster of cells?

Dear pedant pedagogue, Wha, what???

are you bitching about a quote from another source? This is still another source, even if former writers have moved there.

Aren't you the one who was screaming at some poor thing in pissing contest for getting drunk at a museum gala, in a room without any displays?

I've never understood that desire to watch. I had a friend who watched the reporters' beheadings to try to show how tough he was... but it isn't about being tough enough to watch something gruesome. That's someone's life and death, not a spectacle, and I don't think they want videos of their death shopped around for

Why do people need to see this woman beheaded? Beheadings are not like in the movies, with one smooth strike and it's over. From what I've heard of other beheadings in Saudi Arabia, the executioners do not appear to be particularly skilled. So, this woman likely suffered greatly before she died. Why do you want that

Before we decry Saudi Arabia and I personally believe this is barbaric, lest we forget the botched execution in Oklahoma, and executions going on throughout this country with questionable drug concoctions, just because we Americans, dress up your executions by hiding them away from the public eye doesn't make it any

Disgusting. I hope, a few hundred years from now, the world looks on our era's tolerance of the barbarity toward women in heavily Islamic countries the way we look at the centuries of the slave trade today. It's the greatest human rights catastrophe since then, that's for damn sure. This kind of thing, which the world