Maybe seek advice/help somewhere besides an internet commenting system? We don't know you or your wife, what the hell are we supposed to think?
Maybe seek advice/help somewhere besides an internet commenting system? We don't know you or your wife, what the hell are we supposed to think?
What I found almost as disturbing as the punch was Rice's reaction afterwards. There seemed to be no "oh shit, sorry sorry shit what have I done" kind of reaction that you would think someone might have if they simply 'snapped' for a split second. Seemed to be more of a "that's what you get if you step to me bitch,…
Because I do and she is.
Sad that happened to her. She can take solace in the fact as a white woman she would be better supported by all women, the police will take her claims more seriously, and no one will start a gofundme campaign for her rapist/abuser.
Of course! She is white so if I have never heard of her, it is my fault. But, if you have never heard of Jill Scott that is just how it is supposed to be. Got it. Glad you own your racist attitudes.
I pretty always expect white feminists to not examine their racism. They never ever ever disappoint.
Really? So why did they rally around the Winstead person? Never heard of her a day in my life or Kate Upton? Never heard of her before now. None of the names you mentioned where trending on twitter. Jill Scott was. Please stop with the pathetic excuses.
Glad to see Jezebel still rallying around Jennifer Lawrence. I would have been super glad if you bothered to rally around Jill Scott as well. But, white women seem to demand solidarity from black women while explicitly letting us know not to expect it from them.
I think this is nonsense. Nude photos are made regularly in art photography, and have been done this way for decades. Please see Elinor Carucci's work for examples of what I mean. You don't need to be doing it for that reason, though. Maybe you just like the way you look naked on a given day and want to remember…
I'm really angry that someone thought it was okay to hack these women. I also hope they come and say "i look hot in these photos and yeah it sucks but shit happens" because women are always taught that our bodies are private when there is nothing more beautiful than the human form.
Victim blaming has no doubt already commenced elsewhere. I hope it doesn't happen here. Taking pictures of yourself, particularly if you keep them to yourself and don't share them, is a completely okay and normal activity in 2014. I have not and will not look at these pictures, but regardless of Lawrences's reasons…
It's a dick. I know what a dick looks like. Even when it's attached to a very famous teenager, it still kind of looks like a dick.
You know, there's so much to love about his entire post, but there's only one thing that matters to me:
I think your comment is the best response to articles like this. Tanning is bad for you so embracing not tanning is good, but there's no need to act like we need some kind of Pasty Pride movement. :)
"It seems weird that we have to tell white people that it's ok to be white"
My instincts in these matters are usually spot on
and there it is
I'm going to keep an eye on this thread you started. I get the feeling it will be entertaining. I hope I'm not wrong.
As a white guy, I am truly sorry. I want to believe that there is a generational factor in play here and that we just need to wait for these attitudes to die out, but I know better than to shrug it off with that kind of excuse. We have to work to actively change this kind of behavior, and that means recognizing that…
For what it's worth, I'm a white woman, and I totally get how people of color could hate white folks for what they've done and still do. There's nothing I can do to change what happened and what's still happening. My hope is just not to contribute to it. To try and reach out where I can. And, most importantly, to make…