
Black woman here. Live in the suburbs. Did have a break in and called the police. Officer arrived, looked around, said, "nice house. What do you do, sell drugs?" So fuck 'em. Granted, that was nothing more than a snarky comment. But it does illustrate how a lot of us are regarded and treated by the police, whether

I would ring the police in those circumstances but I wouldn't contact them if I was raped.

Update: the woman and her family are on it:

she is currently being held in a mental hospital for treatment. They can only do that if she is a threat to herself or others. I'm guessing she was having some kind of psychotic episode that made her wander into rush hour freeway traffic. It's not something a "sane" person would do because it is incredibly

Maybe don't try to kill people that resist arrest, especially when they're mentally ill and/or intoxicated? Poor woman had no idea what was going on, and punching her in the head 15 times was completely unnecessary.

Get out of here with your attempted murder apologism.

It was as if that very realization occurred for the person behind the camera, in real time - laughing as she walked away from the officer, and as the officer grabbed at her, rooting for the cop to get her "...and then they wanna say 'police brutality'," which quickly turned to, "Oh, shit."

It doesn't need to be said. Society knew this was happening and turned their cheek. Now... You can't deny it's existence when it's in your face.

I hate like hell to disagree with your first point, but dammit, if the "fine folks" over at Gawker didn't just prove you wrong. One poster is defending this cop because as he puts it the woman is "resisting arrest" repeatedly and had she just complied there would have been no problems. Uh, gross.

I doubt you'll see a lot of defense for the individual officer; there may be some well-meaning (but misguided) #notallofficers posts (in the past, I would've been one of these voices—both of my parents were police officers), but those will largely come from folks who do not understand that attacks on -this- officer do

Do people realize the fact that he was tearing her clothing off, while she was on the ground, amounts to sexual assault? Why is this missed? I thin she was scared and it appears she had good reason. Further, the fact that she is mentally ill on goes to show that she'll be (likely) unable defend herself in such a way

if this was a white person man or woman , even a black man this would get a lot of media coverage of a officer beating the person. but since she is a black woman this is going to be swept under the rug.

Black people from the 'pre cameraphone era' are calling. They're here to say I told you so. Make no mistake, the police have been like this and worse for many many many years.

Things like his are why I can't trust police officers as a black woman.

Holy fuck.
How are there going to be assholes defending this? Because there will be...

There's no excuse for this. It's not even in Florida (sorry Florida, I jest...). I don't know what the solution is. Better screening and testing of people wanting to be police officers? Regular evaluations? Total overhaul of how they are trained?

Something is obviously very wrong. (To state the...obvious).

this is why cops don't want to be filmed. There's no investigation of this scumbag cop w/o a video.

Oh, there are more than a few white women who think it's a thing, too, don't worry. It's an idea with traction!

Not only that, we have only his word that he even WAS assaulted.

As a Sirius/XM stockholder, let me just say thank you to the management for quickly taking that sad little person out of my investments.