
You could argue that the people of Kentucky elected Beshear knowing he might have to make a choice like this and therefore has a mandate from the people to do what he thinks is right. And that the new Republican law is stripping people of their voice that was used to elect Beshear in the first place. 

The GOP are like Putin - in the future, when there is a democrat dying the senate with a GOP governor, they will quickly revote it back so they can get a GOP senator.  Dems are just too... stupid to do the same or powerless to enact laws to stop this crap.

I kind of like the clumsiness of always referring to twitter that way; it just underlines how shitty of a business decision it is. Kinda like when they renamed the city “Hollywoo” in Bojack Horseman because they couldn’t afford to replace the D.

And theyve been waiting for another chance to beat on crowds of kids since 2020

Hey, now, some of the people in that crowd might have been black. It takes at least one person to hold somebody down and choke them to death and another to keep the crowd away.

I think the last interaction I had with him on Twitter was saying that such-and-such had a splash of inspiration, and he responded “Please don’t say splash right now

Hey - you keep Moon Knight out of this.

(bong hit) Dude, like, what if colors are different for different people?

Heck, even Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Gizmodo Bot loves Star Wars!

Just here to say the bot star wars article is a fucking embarrassment

I assume they were waiting in line for the maid cafe.


Please, stop embedding tweets, they are not loading for people who are not logged into Twitter. This is how it looks

If true, does this mean that the Trump animatronic is trans?

hes about the only thing I miss about twitter.

Susan Collins won because she is an absolute master of retail politics. Begrudgingly, I’d go as far to say she’s one of the best to ever do it. I worked for one of the 501(c)4s opposing her and it was incredibly tough because — and I’m really not being hyperbolic here — literally everyone in this state can point to

“We wanted to buy Nintendo but they weren’t done laughing from the last time we tried….”


Ill watch jennifer lawrence do anything, idgaf.

Bricken . .. read this bit carefully, out loud . . .”These included working 11 hours a day, seven hours a week, for more than a year” . . .