
Yo, we as a community here have *got* to stop interacting with the most bad faith, inflammatory people here. People keep giving them the attention they want and they are consistently at the top of every single article anymore and it fucking sucks. Any sort of discussion in the comments is immediately overtaken by

Kingdom Hearts

Glad I wasn’t the only one.

I’m almost certain the issue was directly quoted from the devs as “can’t get it to work right on the digital xbox, which is required for certification for Xbox. will keep working on it.”

If they’re gonna charge $70 for TotK, the damn game better run well on the Switch this time around! 

During my stint in the Navy I was a technician for an aircraft called affectionately “The Hoover” (a S3 Viking) it had two very large Pratt and Whitney engines attached to it that had the same safe distance.

But when you ask them what these two (differently aged) people might have in common...

My wife is 12 years my junior. We met when she was 21 and I was 33. Our first official “date” date was to Spider-Man, staring the unknown Tobey McGuire, back in 2002. I’m not sure whether you’d consider us a unicorn couple, but here

Now playing

Vanessa judge said meeting Kania Gerber reminds me of the snl sketch “ meet your second wife”

The criticisms are not addressed because the reasons for the criticisms are not addressed. Let’s be very honest here: women are offended by the fact that men date younger women because it makes them feel like there is an expiration date on their value as a partner. That is a very real, very HUMAN emotion. I would love

They didn't think it was a scam. They were mad because they'd never have a chance with her and she's more successful than them. 

If she is making it of HER will then great, her choice vs someone forcing her to do it.  Her stream, her content.  Long as she is the one deciding what to post... more power to you.  

I don’t follow much about streamers, but every story I see about Amouranth makes her sound like a smart, decent professional. The stuff she must have to put up with must be insane.

Aw jeez.

I like her regardless of how risqué her streams are/aren't. She's smart, funny and knows what she's doing. What's not to like? 

This makes more sense than my original thought, that she’s fine with NSFW content but prefers a lighter schedule than the one mandated by her ex. I suspect that her “business” is too small for various laws to apply, so that’s really cool of her to take care of her employees like that.

They were never upset with her because they genuinely thought she was scamming anyone; they were upset that she’s a woman doing her own thing successfully.

Even though, nowadays, jeans are fucking expensive compared to say, trackies.

Well, what else are they going to do - drop slideshows completely? Don’t be ridiculous!