
Came here to post this, this article desperately needs an update. Dude’s insecurity that prompted him to tweet at Greta unprompted in the first place and complete inability to take the L might land him in prison:

Honestly the Senate map for 2024 is going to require more than competence. It’s going to require a miracle. We’ve got twice as many seats up for re-election as the GOP and there are no real pick up opportunities unless we count states that we keep trying and failing at flipping like Texas and Florida. Meanwhile we

I’m not sure the Democrats have been even minimally competent since the Clinton years, so maybe that’s a big ask for them.

As someone who did not know this.

This reply needs to be 11 replies. 

If we’re talking about ‘things’ you can buy in unexpected places, this is obligatory:

I didn’t remember this so I did some Googling. Meghan, your dad was a dick.



Cops only job is to protect capital.

Counterintuitively, admitted theft is harder to contort facts into a defense than cases of police brutality, because the latter can always be blamed on the victim having done something to provoke the response. 

It seems like every other article on here recently is dunking on Elon Musk.

Her opponent ran a crappy campaign but yes, too many Mainers fell for her “Good Old Susan” cosplay.

A zygote is not a baby, unless you are a braindead magat of course.

I implore rightoids to learn the meaning of the word ‘baby’ and basic reproductive biology

Sure you are all anti-baby killing now but what if one of those babies turns out to be Hilter 2!!!

Yet another Bigot-Chicken puff piece from The Takeout (c’mon, tell us how you really feel guys). Too bad they’re too busy coming up with the very “christian” idea of making at/near minimum wage workers work 14 hour shifts on their feet that they can’t formulate a company wide non-discrimination policy that covers

Because this article contains Milkshake Emus.

Tabi boots are great and never stopped being great.

This is just a prude list... they all look good in their own way and its better than having the same boring stuff people usually wear.