Welcome to the world of Xenoblade Chronicles!
Welcome to the world of Xenoblade Chronicles!
I always heard it, if 10 people are sitting at a table and a nazi joins them, and nobody gets up, there are now 11 nazis.
“Tesla and SpaceX CEO and fake latex allergy-haver Elon Musk.”
I know. They used to be decent with having limited filters and “undo” functionality for free. Now they’re just grabbing for any bit of money they can.
For me it was the second they started scanning plants and got the mining laser out. Like yep its a prettier NMS which I did not enjoy.
A Direct during the middle of SGDQ? Bad form, Nintendo. BAD FORM
It was the style at the time.
Hey everyone, this guy has an anecdote. No need to worry about Covid anymore!
It’s true.
Worse. Slideshows are bad, but can be read through without sound. Videos without text can’t, making them worse.
I literally just got over having covid. It hit me like an absolute freight train despite being fully vaxed. I missed a full week of work. But I work in a store and basically nobody wears masks anymore, so it was inevitable.
He looks like a distended testicle, so maybe he got a wax?
Thank you for addressing this. I was thinking “watching porn by yourself in an office on company time is objectively naughty, but not really a fireable offense for an executive” nor is it particularly heinous. Subjecting your co-workers to uncomfortable shit repeatedly is a creep move however, and all creep moves…
I’m pretty sure this was in one of Neal Stephenson’s recent novels (Reamde maybe) but also in real life probably for years now.
I’m sure they’ll charge her with it, and/or the guy she was with if they arrested him.