Glad he beat out Connor Lamb. I was happy to vote for Lamb when he was the only option in the special election a few years ago, but the guy is basically a Republican pretending to be a Democrat. We don’t need another Manchin/Sinema in the senate...
I’m not writing off Warnock just yet, it’ll be an uphill fight but Walker’s a legit wild card and could torpedo not just his campaign but the campaigns of other Republican hopefuls inside of a minute
I can say it didn’t look much like the trailer in the article, but I haven’t seen whatever other clips have been released on tiktok. I’d say it’s “highly probable” that the developer saw a chance to get some articles written to promote his game, whether or not it actually influenced the scene in the film.
I find that a flatly stated “I don’t believe you,” to be quite effective in cases such as this. However they might choose to do it, would be nice to see more journalists pushing back on obvious fabrications in the moment.
Own the company responsible for mismanaging your product leading to a nationwide shortage of formula? Bailout.
Best comment here.
I was going to say something similar but this is way funnier than anything I could have come up with.
So let’s talk about it honestly. A child with an illegally obtained firearm crossed state lines and, while only equipped with said gun (instead of the first aid he claimed to possess), brandished it at multiple unarmed civilians. After being called out for being the punk he was, he shot and killed an unarmed man after…
YES and that final picture of him in the tunnel with his arms spread is a recreation of a picture of Hitler doing the same thing in the same spot. Crazy coincidence?
I agree with the basic sentiment, though I am reluctant to point the finger at a specific cause. but, consider this:
I’m very curious how effective their ad model really is for their advertisers. Don’t most people just mute the ad or go do something else?
i think what they did in response to ad-blockers is even worse; you get a bright purple screen with white text reprimanding you about using adblockers, with a countdown that doesn’t work; you get stuck in the purple screen of death and can’t watch anything. Well, unless you use a get-around that uses your own media…
I was about to comment on this as well!
Right. That doesn’t provide much coverage by the standard of *swimsuits*, let alone *armor*.
Thanks. Thanks. Thanks. For stating what is do obvious. Not even sure why I read this piece except this part of the headline “and I Don’t Care” seduced me. I really do not care.
If I ever found myself writing that first sentence, the toe’s going in the trigger guard
This article has a bizarre tone of “We all know they are monsters now but obviously I will keep watching them because [no reason given].”