
fuck you it’s none of your business if I read the email or not

Funny, I made a similar mistake when I took a date to Watchmen. Dr. Manhattan wasn't the only one with blue balls that night.

Yes, the Gollum scene was clearly heavily influenced by the seminal angel/devil dichotomy involving the character “Pinto” in the highly influential 1970s comedy-noir film “Animal House.” The Gollum scene borrowed and built upon elements of the scene from the earlier film, and rendered the self/self interaction highly

Sometimes they ban racist fuckbags and this is 2019 and that’s controversial somehow. 

Cameron, even if I haven’t always shown it, as your reader I’ve really enjoyed your topic selections and the voice you gave to them. Kotaku is at its best with writers known for their personalities and interests who use them to deliver insight and enjoyment to readers looking for an introduction to new things. Thanks

Yelp has a great tutorial (tutorials depending on the location) with how to get a drop-in time for Global Entry at various places, such as SFO. My Application was processed in Feb but my in-person interview first available date was mid-August (SFO is the closest place from my location in NorCali). I was in SF to see a

I want:

Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong.

Really the whole thing is highway robbery, with the Bain Capital crew fucking over everyone else.


For the record, you saved a single key-press by typing “rents instead ofparents

Theft by authorized taking is for the cops - see “civil asset forfeiture”.

Ted’s used to disappointment:

I’m probably in the minority here, but I claim N64 to have the best controller of all time

I, for one, welcome the CFW that’s probably going to be released soon.
I don’t really care about Nintendo online games and if they are going to withhold basic features that are free everywhere else then screw them.

Before people point fingers at me. I don’t like piracy nor will I pirate Switch games. But I look forward

Adult Swim is only good on Saturday nights from 10:30pm to 4am.