
I mean, they literally crawl on the ceiling above my bed, soooooo....

I’ve used one of these for 20 years, works great.

People who fit the criteria, and submit valid claims, may receive around 15 cents per unit of Wesson Oil purchased during the eligibility period in their state.

One thing seems certain if the Supreme Court bans affirmative action in college admissions

exactly. so when they go low, go high!

Dude literally got arrested a little while ago by Romanian authorities because they finally knew for sure he was in the country from a pizza box he had out in his pathetic I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I response to Greta.

(although I’m sure there’s a socialist argument to be made that fashion and the perception of clothes as shitty or not is wildly influenced by capitalism

Everyone’s favorite Twitch streamer

He wanted to get dragged by her, this is the “I’m the *real* victim” part of fascism.

I seriously side-eye anyone who proudly proclaims that they’re a Slytherin. Like, you seriously want to be a wizard nazi??????

I mean, good luck to her kids in general, because holy shit.

Yesterday I made a comment on another article saying that Democrats would have to be at least minimally competent to keep the Senate in 2024, and that pissed some people off.

Everyone keeps saying “a medical book”, but has anyone identified the actual book? I couldn’t find it if they did.

It’s almost as if hacking a PS3 doesn’t necessarily qualify you to completely recode the search engine of one of the biggest social media platforms on the planet.

What does he mean “nondismissable” login popup? I dismiss it all the time. You click the log-in button, and then there’s an X on the top left corner you can click to get rid of it.

When the Republicans were in charge of the Senate how often did you see Democrats block Republican bills? Seriously, how often?

That would require the Democrats to actually be at least minimally competent you silly goose.

wow these people really just make shit up just to pass money around to each other don’t they

In short: Republicans underperformed in the midterms, and they’re coping by eating their own.