
I hate NASA for making me care about a fucking robot so much.

NNnooooooOOoOOHhhh Kocrapku articls willl meik the lawyerrrrzzzz tek itt dooooooowwwwwnnn~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!

In all of these end of the year wrapups (otherwise known as companies showing you how they keep track of you) the starkest thing in mine was the absolute cliff drop in Animal Crossing time between this year and last year. Last year nothing even came close. This year it barely registered on the scale at all.

This was good for what it was, but I was still kind of disappointed. I was expecting and looking forward to Adult Swim themed gags, like the Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past walking out onto the log and giving a long story, or a Robot Chicken Santa getting thrown into the flames or stuff like that. Or I thought they

10 of the worst article types ever made:

I look forward to playing this in two or three years when they actually go sale for a reasonable price.

Hey assholes, you already had a subscription service, it was Dragon and Dungeon. Bring those back.

Fuck the police. Even the futuristic sci-fi imaginary ones.

Sooo, *can* you actually buy a butt plug at Target now? That seems like a pretty big and important point you left out.

The best Christmas for me was in 2020. I still did all the decorating and cooking and shit, but I didn’t have to deal with anyone else and it was great.

Intellectual Property—because fair use, as a concept, doesn’t really exist in Japan.

That is not a safe way to wear a seatbelt.

And of course good ol’ Meghan look at me! McCain is tweeting about how hard it is to be the kid of a republican politician when her dad made one of the worst and most famous disgusting jokes about Chelsea Clinton.

A software overhaul earlier this year ruined inventory records, leading to a pre-order clusterfuck that has continued past the Black Friday shopping season.

In the scuffle, she injured six deputies, biting one of the arm and breaking the skin, and kicking another in the groin

This really isn’t hard to comprehend. Yes, she still does hot tub stuff and cleavage clothes etc sometimes, the big difference is she does it *when she chooses to*, not when someone else tells her to.

It’s the same argument video games went through over a decade ago—and which we have collectively just shrugged and moved on from—when people found out the DLC they were buying was already on the disc they bought.

My car is 15 years old and still going strong, hopefully it makes it to 20. And when it finally does blow up I’ll either pay the thousands to rebuild the transmission or move heaven and earth to get an older used car that doesn’t have any of this bullshit.

And also the fastest and most refunded.