
So by “moved on” what she really means is she wants everyone to stop calling her out for her bullshit plzkthnx.

What’s that? Is that student loan debt relief on the horizon?

Ooooohhhhh noooooo, one less copaganda show, however will we survive

He should join Congress, then doing that would be perfectly ok.

FTX was pushing its token, FTT, as part of the deal

I love having sets like this on my shelf, but building them is *so* *fucking* *tedious*. The same color over and over and over and over and over and over. Even just doing the checkerboard patterns in the Sonic set made me question how much I actually wanted to keep doing it. I think this would make my head explode.

For fuck’s sake you fucking babies it hasn’t been taken down, the site’s just getting hammered.


How weird.

I will never forgive Maine for reelecting that fucking psycho two years ago.

The only way to not be ripped off is to simply not go.

is shameful.

I definitely want to have a say in what medical procedures my neighbors are allowed to get. You play loud music and don’t pick up after your dog?

Even Crono, the veritable hero of the whole story, can be removed from the party, showing that not even the main character matters all that much when the planet is being threatened.

All of us Gen X/Millenial kids who grew up watching Captain Planet thinking we would take over and save the world. Except the same people who were in charge then are still in charge now because they refuse to retire or have to courtesy to just die!

It would be easier to light cigarettes in as little fabric as possible.

It’s like they’re addicted to playing the victim still.