About a third of Louisiana’s population is Black
About a third of Louisiana’s population is Black
Do people do this with Epic Voice Guy’s voice a lot? If I were him I’d be pretty annoyed at this.
Look, all that title got Prince Harry is a lot of family trauma and a podcast.
...who is this for? Seriously? Who asked for this? Why is McDonalds doing this with a fashion company that 99% of people have never heard of?
Dead or Alive > Tekken
“The midterm election will decide the future of our country
Even “Woman Grandmaster,” a sort of consolation prize title from FIDE that requires a 2,300 rating instead of Grandmaster’s 2,500
and you walk into the room and they just say, ‘I just lifted that fridge with one arm,’ you’re like, ‘Fucking bullshit, motherfucker.’”
It’s a weird strategy for a state that President Joe Biden won by less than 11,000 votes.
So basically bog standard 90s Orientalism.
So I’m confused by Numenor. They’re supposedly a militaristic island nation, but they only have five ships to use for an invasion force...? And if the fire had gotten to all of them they would have been fucked? Really??? And Galadriel mentioned five hundred soldiers. In the ending shot of the ships leaving port, there…
Wait wait wait wait wait, are you saying that this dude who’s apparently a super famous Twitch streamer with millions of dollars and a legion of fans that I’ve never heard of even though I watch Twitch regularly is actually a piece of shit human?
CrazySlick also said he wants to take a lesson from Johnny Depp, soooooo, there’s that...
A few rich people get scammed out of money by another rich person and whine about it - immediate action
Those were considered scalping prices less than a year ago.
“I’m ashamed and disappointed in myself.
So they saw how the bad guys tortured someone on Walking Dead, and were like Ya, let’s do that in real life!
Then I guess I’ll just sit here patiently waiting for DOAX4...
You forgot “learn to code”