
And yeah, the stock options for such a POS stock are really hilarious.

the employees Kotaku spoke with say pressure is ramping up to meet sales goals and acquire “wins” in important categories like Pro memberships, pre-orders, and warranties. Stores with the lowest number of wins will lose staff and get folded into the management of higher-performing ones, asking both to do more

I followed on Twitch the second they were announced. And then only watched like once or twice. One time when the Code Miko girl was on, because she’s hilarious, but I never caught her on again. Every other time I scrolled past it didn’t look like anything worth watching.

The most unrealistic thing about this episode is that She-Hulk would have been pretty quickly banned from Matcher for being a catfish, like what happens to a lot of real life influencers and streamers and models.

Reminder: keep the nazis and incels in the greys where they belong

Good for them.

god that’s the worst. Was it assigned seating? I’ve had it happen where when you buy the tickets at the counter instead of in advance the software just automatically clusters everyone in the middle. So if you’re not paying attention and just take the default seat you end up in an almost empty theater with someone

I mean, I’m pretty happy to get rid of the triple digit temperatures and the triple digit electricity bills, soooooo......

Now do Seth MacFarlane.



Yep, my Halo 3 360 red ringed at some point in 2009 or 2010, and I got it fixed for free.

My eye opening moment was when I but open an tomato that had been sitting there for who knows how long, and some of the seeds inside of it had sprouted @_@

My response to a student saying something like this would be simple (which doesn’t necessarily mean “good”, but whatever).

Seriously. Up until the latter part of the 90s my local Blockbuster had Adults Only stickers on all of the anime tapes, regardless of what they actually were ffs.

I really want to see an interview with those actresses and find out just what they thought about what they thought about all this.

Well, nice to see they kept at least one anime trope...


As to why not just use the original Japanese product, American companies had a long history of taking Japanese animation and turning it into something slightly different or something it wasn’t.

Well, we are about a century from when fascism first really started, so, I guess it’s about time for the cycle to come around again...