That headline made me think that they’d exploded in someone’s face or something. Or like their dog at them and died from 70 year old card poison.
Well hello there naked video game lady. I hope you’re enjoying being naked in a video game.
Touche, good sir.
Look up the Paradox of Tolerance you fucking chud, and then crawl back under your rock and keep using your tears to jack off about how black and brown people are the real racists.
These are the same people that allowed one of the most prominent white supremacists to coin a new term that everyone, including this site, now regularly uses instead of “white supremacist”.
Onin is now on the receiving end of some truly toxic gamer shit.
To be fair (insert Letterkenny clip), most women on dating apps are trash too.
Corollary, women who say it’s justified that men always pay on dates because they already spent all the time/money on makeup, and it’s like, I didn’t ask or even expect you to do that, you made that decision yourself.
Now how about getting an actual transwoman voice actress to voice her.
But how many women have to be publicly retraumatized and relentlessly mocked by millions before enough is finally enough?