
No one with a brain gives a shit what the asshole says.

Any social media I have is locked down as tight as it can be, and no one even tangentially associated with my work is allowed in, and never will be.

Where I work has lost a lot of people recently for various reasons. We recently did a few interviews to replace them and got good applicants. But we didn’t get any of them because the salary offers were less than what they’re currently making in lower cost of living cities. It’s insane. I literally do not understand

He said he hopes women will turn out “in record numbers” to fix this.

So we’ve got another situation like Todd Akin in Missouri and Roy Moore in Alabama. A race the fascists have no business losing, but will lose because their candidate is just so bad. And so we get a reprieve. And then in the next round, they’ll learn their lesson and get back in.

I really loved the little joke nods too - Broly power level getting to 9000 and slightly dipping over it lol.

But most notably, Legend finally gives the hot-headed saiyan Vegeta his due by making him the heroic star of the show.

Is there going to be a normal physical version available? Because then this is just a way to get some people to pay an extra $60 for the various collector’s editions.

and the episode began with a 20-minute sequence in pre-Partition India

“We know that no police officer ever wants to discharge their service weapon in the line of duty.

I wonder if this photographer gets any commissions for all the advertising this does for all these girls’ OnlyFans.

You’re the best!

Is there a torrent? It doesn’t look like the link has an option to batch download them all.

Man, that Mario Sunshine run was so wholesome. Like, the dude was clearly barely stopping himself from breaking down after he got that game over, and then the crowd and donators rose like a swell to lift him back up. It’s worth watching just for that.

They raised fucking six million dollars this year, no one gives a shit about you and the other five crybaby edge lords who don’t like them because you’re butthurt that they actually enforce “don’t be an asshole.”

fans who want darker-skinned characters are already starting to be alienated by the fandom.

Has there been any word on what Limited Run Games is doing with their version?

Like, its the sort of thing that even Texas would think twice about doing (albeit with English).

“Buuuutttt he sed hez 0k4y wit the gayyyzzzzz!!!!!11111"