
“It has recently been suggested that I belong to a church which ‘hates a certain group of people’ and is ‘infamously anti-LGBTQ.’ Nothing could be further from the truth.

They’re trying to make their way home, and needs the bangle to do so. In fact, as Aisha says, “he” said they would need two. Who is he?

It was a little jarring just how quickly Najima moved from being friendly to Kamala to ok-let’s-kill-her-and-anyone-else-who-happens-to-be-in-the-vicinity.
Like, they’ve been here for 100 years, but then she says they don’t have time to wait? Why don’t they have time? Is there some cosmic multiversal alignment or

It looks like a single player MMORPG...

father of seven


I don’t want to bother with the originals if it means digging my poor, neglected PlayStation Portable out of whatever dusty box it’s been confined to for years.

Well fuck OC Remix I guess...

I mean, these days your garden variety white supremacist basically is what passes for “moderate”...

It never ceases to amaze me that non-tongue-in-cheek “console wars” are still a thing. Like, during the Nintendo-Sega wars of old I was a diehard, but then I hit puberty and stopped being stupid.

I was watching a dude on Twitch this morning who articulated it perfectly, as soon as he saw the scene that was basically Call of Duty innnnnn spaaaaaaaace, he just checked out. Like seriously, if you put screen caps of those FPS scenes in with shots from various CoDs, you would not be able to tell them apart.

Literally every single apartment lease I’ve ever had very specifically prohibited grilling on your balcony.