
If you dig into the settings in the infotainment settings, and look under Lighting, you will usually find the one that keeps that tictac sized light on.

As the product of an interracial marriage, I can’t help but want to stomp all over your comments.

You could have gone to Vegas, and made a shit ton of money instead.
And then, when you became rich from that bet, EVERYONE would listen to you.

For anybody who has a potentially dangerous situation on their car like these 498 ZR1s do, chill out until you can get things fixed, stay away from the race track and maybe even drive the family crossover for a bit.

I wonder how much of an increase in flights to states with these child detention centers would be found if you started tracking the movements of rich conservative pedophiles over the past few months?

How has your mom’s car been treating her?
Any interesting trips or drives in it since she picked it up?

And that’s why we listen to you on advise about actually buying cars.

I am so confused.

Hey, quick question:
Are they planning on making the LIRR stop that serves Belmont Park open for all of the home games when they move there?

I just had to know if my intuition on where in Colorado she was from.

If you want a Progressive Democrat to be the nominee, you need to get everyone to vote for them in the Primaries, all across the country.

This lady is a perfect example of someone who should never be allowed to negotiate on her own behalf. She could have kept her car, and been able to get a multicar discount on her insurance policy, at the very least.

Hockey is the only sport worth watching in person.

I don’t really care that you are one of the most loved trolls on here, but I’ve got something to say.

Make sure that you vote in your primaries, and convince your neighbors and family to vote, also. Its the only way to get grassroots candidates a chance at the real ballot in the Fall.

Nah. I’m doing pretty good, and I don’t hate people just because of their skin color, or where they were born. I tend to hate people due to the shit they say out loud (or online in your case), and their actions towards others.

I am so sorry.
My family had an ‘85 Topaz, and that thing was a transmission eating pile of shit.

I would bet that the major decrease in Male Teenager deaths is directly related to increased enforcement of seatbelt laws, and drinking age laws, that all happened during that period of time between the mid 70's and the early 90's.

Not to mention the increase of vehicles with actual crumple zones becoming more

I have the great honor of telling you that I most certainly did not vote for a single GOP candidate last year, or this year (mail in ballot for Primary Voting already received, sent back, and counted).

A lot these kids get their opportunity stolen before they even have a chance.