
“Azealia Banks has been offered a plea deal after biting the boob of a security guard who denied her entry into a Manhattan club back in December. Prosecutors are willing to take jail time off the table if Banks pleas guilty to misdemeanor assault and takes anger management classes.”

Now playing

I put this link into my own comment below but I’m unsure it’ll get out of the greys. So I’ll just leave it here too. Her hotness knows no bounds.

Now playing

Amber Rose is a goddess. Standing next to the Kardashian just proves my point. There’s an older video on YouTube with her walking a ball in the face category, she was heavier and she worked it.

Jesus fucking Christ I googled the name out of curiosity... What a revelation. Just absolutely horrifying. Wtf is wrong with people?

Jimmy hats off to you!

I’d have joined you. Or at the very least lament I wasn’t born an ostrich. The wholes head in a hole thing really doesn’t sound all that bad if the alternative bizzaro scenario were to be the case. Trent Reznor would have written a classic -9 centimeter nails song about it.

I worked at the outreach center for a domestic violence shelter. The level of respect that every single woman (or man, because it does indeed go both ways) who managed to break free even for a moment from the sheer mental and physical hell we are capable of inflicting upon one another, it’s just I honestly can’t think

“I’ve always been raised as being currently a 26 year old”

“That shit is so far from cool cool’s light won’t reach it before the heat death of the universe.”

I don’t have children. I’m not even sure I want children. However, I’m glad that you do because I like your style and this was hilarious. Mazel tov!

Callin’ out around the world
Are you ready for a brand new beat?
Summer’s here and the time is right
For cursin’ in the streets
They’re cursin’ in Chicago
Down in New Orleans
Up in New York City

I totally read this in the emcee's voice. It's one of my favorite parts of Paris is Burning. I stick by the theory that this is a documentary that should be shown in all high schools.

Oh, I have no idea. I was just trying to answer your initial question regarding the red string. Sorry!

My steam account embarrasses me on occasion due to listing the hours I've spent with Fallout 3 and New Vegas. I feel ya!

OLD WORLD BLUES!!!! Best DLC ever.

The eyes and forehead. It's creepy similar.

