
They make posts about snacks on Kotaku. Somebody posting a "yo, guys, take a look at this cool thing :D" stub is hardly the Oscars.

Great use of negative space.

No way in hell that's a dwarf.

Clearly a human, so not species neutral. I am a non-binary star lizardkin, and the lack of trigger warnings on this have caused me severe emotional stress.

Actually, your reaction has made me feel quite amused.

Superb piece, Jason. I, too, worry that I've spent more hours on games than I should have, that I've missed out on other parts of life. But we can make new choices every day. I'm more and more against games that feel like they waste my time, and I'm ever more embracing of games I can take with me wherever I go.

Hey man! Don't worry about it, I wouldn't expect you to know how to react to that. I thought it was hilariously nice that you ripped up your hoodie to bandage me after hitting me with an axe. That whole situation made the video great for me. Thanks for playing along!

Hey, im the "this game feels badass dude" from dayz, I feel bad for not giving any constructive feedback during the interview, I suck talking on-spot, and I felt pretty bad after I left. I regret saying, the map in rust is really uninspired and repetitive compared to dayz. The ingame responsiveness and combat, is much

I've actually been replaying FFT:A2, and yeah, it's pretty damn good. I'm gonna talk about it a bit on this week's Random Encounters.

  • Clouds always blow from West to East (good for navigating)

Knock-off stores you can't actually actually enter and are completely empty?

Being a cop?

Because it's the Dane Cook of martial arts.

Japan got it first, then EU, and NA is last. Eh, I think it is lucky that we even got this outside of Japan.

Jason and I were discussing that the other day. The verdict: shrug

Actually, we don't know how to transfer a PSP title to PC — but fortunately, we don't have to. All three of the Trails in the Sky games were originally PC releases in Japan, and were later ported to PSP by the original developer. The version of Trails that you guys have already played on PSP is actually the port, not

Oh the WiiU question! 2012 was the hardest year to select a real standout! I searched and searched and this was the best choice. Yes, it was a flop, but better than repeating the Furby! Which was listed multiply times as the most popular of last year! Thanks for enjoying. -Abby

I just wanted to add that this post convinced me as well. Gonna download Trails onto my vita and see what the hype is about. Any conventional JRPG usually gets me all sorts of excited so I can't wait to see if this game lives up to hype!

Consider my arm twisted. Ordered from Amazon and eagerly awaiting arrival. Thanks.