
Oh shush, somebody corrected it already.

I haven't. You recommending, Friend?

To date, the only game I've played where the character models actually feel convincingly human is Half-Life 2. I really don't feel that aesthetic detail is the important thing here - it's animation and eyes that make or break it for me. Eyes are the most important thing.

I've never played Skyrim but I really want to play the game you're describing. Those are some wonderful ideas.

I love the point you're making, but I'm sure that I remember reading somewhere that the real life entertainment industry unexpectedly thrives in these times of war and disaster... Don't quote me on that. Presumably it's to do with the public appreciating the distraction instead of feeling bad about or dealing with the

My friend convinced his little brother that if you get all the women's clothing items, Don Corneo picks Cloud and you spend the whole of the rest of the game dressed as a woman and your ultimate limit break is Omnislap.

I've never played V, but due to the fact that I adore the Tactics series far beyond any other Final Fantasies, the idea of a well-realised job system (I'm guessing it was an improvement on III's?) is what's particularly enticing for me.

I've got this just sitting upstairs. Really should play it properly.

I'm trying to get internet famous by doing squiggly Shadow of the Colossus pictures. Anyone?

A THOUSAND TIMES YES. Drumstick blows. I want to play as Wizpig on his ridiculous rocket deal.

Don't you think there's anything healthy about taking a figurehead of evil and reducing it to a ridiculous clown?

There's a difference, actually.


I had particular beef with that; everything on the ground in Skyward Sword was a dungeon. There was nothing fieldy, nowhere to explore. It was a case of getting there and immediately being faced with challenges to solve to progress. It's cool if you enjoyed the pre-dungeon dungeons but I felt like there was nowhere in

Never had a problem with Ashley. As escort scenarios go, probably the best I've played. Rarely got in the way of the action, there were tons of safe places where you could get her to hide until the crazy died down. Even if that wasn't an option, she usually did a good job of staying out of the way, even ducking

"pulling sentences apart and figuring out what the words mean underneath the words themselves."

Seeing a lot of "Rare haven't made a good game in ten years" mess up in here. So I do want to point out that Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts was amazing. In a way. Not in the way you might want if you actually like progression in games to be fun. But aside from that, the stuff you're capable of doing in that game with the

Yeah, I seem to recall that I could only get anywhere if I was playing as Tiptup or Pipsy.

Heh, sorry man. And agreed, I'm not so into racing games but if I had to pick a favourite it'd be a toss-up between F-Zero GX (which I've only played a little of, but it's incredible) and Diddy Kong Racing. Definitely way more fun than any Mario Kart I've played.

... You sure about that? I can't find info on Conker SNES games anywhere.