The problem with Fi is that she treats me like someone who doesn't know how to play videogames because I'm playing a Wii game. The sad truth is that, in a lot of cases, this is very likely to be the case.
The problem with Fi is that she treats me like someone who doesn't know how to play videogames because I'm playing a Wii game. The sad truth is that, in a lot of cases, this is very likely to be the case.
Dammit Nintendo, stop making me want your horrible console. I don't want to pay money for one of these until it gets that fundamental redesign that features, you know, all of the controls.
Come on, man.
This was my first thought as well. Loved that stupid shitty movie.
IT'S SO HARD. I clicked on this story and then scrolled right down to the comments. I ruined Twilight Princess for myself and that game didn't need any help with being ruined. Can't let the same thing happen again.
Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, eh? Looks great.
@digimope: Gabe on Penny Arcade is a fan.
Hang on, four-player drop-in co-op for the whole story mode? Why hasn't anyone been shouting about this? Hearing that just made the game like ten times more appealing for me.
Ever had it when you're on the road after a load of Guitar Hero/Rock Band and see frets coming at you? It's crazy.
Thiiiink you mean Rogue Squadron 2, Rogue Leader. Rebel Strike was kinda wank.
Oh, THAT'S what they were saying? The first time I heard it I couldn't understand it, then when it was repeated I thought that it was "You should give us all a fight", to which I thought man, that's a crap line. "You should kill us all on sight" makes the episode make more sense now, cheers.
@chrisgordon: Twilight Princess doesn't reeeeeeeeaaaaaally count, though, does it.
Man, you know, I was initially gritting my teeth but this isn't nearly as bad as it could have been. Most of what they're saying is pretty on the money. Ten years ago this sort of thing would have just been filled with embarrassing misnomers and blast processing.
Ugh, I forgot about that. My condolences.
Man, no. Guy's just shoehorning videogame references in for nerd cred. It's annoying as hell and marginalisingtastic.
@ReiAyanami4Ever: It's best to sandwich that guy in between some meaty railgun guys; one of them gets him in the back and he's toast.
@moldy912: They, uh, already confirmed GTA V. GTA V CONFIRMED!
@SeaKelp: I finished A Link to the Past for the first time this year. Doesn't it bother anyone else that all the tragic, poignant moments in the game are undone in the ending sequence when you get the Triforce? Like your uncle's back to life, dead tree flute kid from the Dark World is reunited with his dad, all that.…
@lostinseganet: I can't believe someone else is sick enough to use that display pic. Hi.