
Why don't they just do their usual thing and steal Nintendo's technique in a few years? They've done it before, like with analog sticks and rumble and the Wii controller.

@Jason Keirstead: Tricky subject. I've always thought that cutscenes (except maybe interactive ones) don't really count as part of the "game" in the game playing sense of the word. They're a film within a game, and they're there to give context to your actions for when you actually are playing. If you were to take out


@KingMongoloid: In my youth I think that OoT was the first game that I REALLY played properly, and my brother and I really struggled with the Water Temple. Like, for weeks. Then just when we'd almost beat it... our cat died. Besting it was such a bittersweet achievment. To this day, whenever I replay it, I'll always

@TylDurden: I agree. It's easy fo him to be pimpin.

@sdmblack: I was just on about the fact that it didn't have that particular control that Tpadz mentioned for long jumping. I actually hated Sunshine. I really tried to like it but I couldn't stand it, there was too much about it that struck me as totally dumb (like Yoshi melting whenever he touched water). The void

@Tpadz: So you can't imagine Mario Sunshine? I can relate.

As a longtime Zelda fan I'm moderately irked about the hand change, but I'm preoccupied with being annoyed at the intro to this trailer. It flashes back to all these themes like the horse and the mask and the boat and the wolf that made all of the previous console Zelda games original and then cuts to this scene with

Martha Stewart

Mohinder off Heroes?

@PudgiesJockeyGivesTheRideOfYou...: I'm British and it would be pretty hilarious.

Good call on God of War 3 but if you're going to do a PS3 bundle for Father's Day it'd be appropriate to throw in Heavy Rain as well.

Life-size Weighted Companion Cube?

@MoBoRoS: No you're quite right, everything about this trailer appeals. The music is epic and the game looks like just raw fun. It's rare that I'll watch a game's trailer multiple times these days but I keep coming back to this and it's even making me dust off my Wii to play some of the original.

I don't think it was until Super Mario Sunshine that the merciful sliding version of the wall kick was introduced. If you timed it wrong in Mario 64 you'd fall all the way back down again. Anyone who tried to get the blue coins in Rainbow Ride knows this all too well.

@Rompehamster: Turbo's hooks are do disappointing. The rest of the song's great, those parts are just rubbish. Every song.