
Oh John.

While you're at it, it's spelled @BallPtPenTheif: , not @BallPtPentheif:.

Never actually injured myself, but when I first got a Wii my friend went a little over the top on Wii Sports and smashed the my lightbulb. Nobody got hurt though.

@vincevl: Yeah, I'm with you. People find him annoying but I got no beef with Joliver.

@RedEye: That's one variation I've heard, but it is a backronym.

@RedEye: There's a whole massive debate in this, but the main point is that it actually started up here in the north-east of England and it was "charver". This causes a lot of confusion because it's usually the custom that southerners are the ones who elongate the vowels in their pronounciations of words, and with

@Bernard McGraw: At least, I think. I don't know where he got it.

@BallPtPenTheif: Fact for you, it's actually "charves". Derived from "charver", a term originally from a Frank Zappa song.

Reckon I'll definitely rent this when it's out, I lost patience on the 360 demo. However, how many of these changes are going to be implimented into the 360 patch?

@jair: She was asking for it.

@aldo_14: And here's a video for the benefit of the kids at home!

I personally preferred the remake of The Wicker Man. It was just Nicholas Cage going around and punching women. Great fun.

Is this supposed to be up now? Because it isn't on Xbox Live for me. I'm in the UK by the way.

This was such a missed NSFW fish opportunity.

Hahahaha! I never got into Mega 64 but this is magnificent.


Why haven't I seen any tongue-in-cheek entries on the site yet? The worst way to go about something like this is to take yourself seriously. A really dat dude should dress up as Ivy from Soul CaARGH I JUST PICTURED IT I'M SORRY I'M SO SORRY

Less individual companies means less competition, so I'm not crazy about them.