
Man, that's just a terrible design. I'm personally in favour of releasing a huge, embarrassing, unmanagable DS that's actually shaped like a giant plastic guitar. Great for public transport.

This weekend I'm gonna try and hunt down a copy of Subsistence because that Gametrailers retrospective made it out to be so much better then I realised it was when I watched my brother playing it on and off.

Well dang. I wanted something to make Warhawk audible.

Points for being fucking silly.



@sonofnone: Oh my God, I would be all OVER a Jack Thompson autobiography. I fucking hope he writes one. It's not like he's got anything else to do for the next ten years.

@Aethyr: It's made out of a lot of balloons. But if you meant one needle used multiple times, do forgive me.

Wow, this is really excellent. Scary as hell in places.

@Dr.Chocobo: In Resident Evil 4, Spain isn't actually mentioned. Leon refers to the location only as "this remote part of Europe".

Ebaum's World has a guild? I find it pretty horrific to imagine they have a community at all. Eugh.

@SamCity: Has to be a leech, too small to be a snake if I'm right and it's wriggling next to a pencil. And come on, it's just a word.

@padre: Uh. Chris isn't in 4.


I'm sorry, I'm not a good person, but I'd find it hilarious if Capcom managed to completely shake off these accusations of racial prejudice, but then have this trailer and with Chris saying:

@FhnuZoag: Oh yeah, didn't spot that at first.