
What is it with American brands and chrome??
Deal breaker.

Thats a shame. History will prove your instincts were correct and you just got accustomed to the taste of crap.

Do you have to use sexism to fight sexism? People have dismissed young women’s comments based on their age and gender for years, that was wrong. You seem to be justified in playing by the same playbook.

Is their age and sex the problem, or their beliefs? I’m pretty sure there are many “old Men” who do not have these

I think it is a mess. This car has zero grace and will age horribly.

Are there any people who think this is good looking?

What do people who read Consumer Reports like? Camary’s?

If this a idiot driver was really concerned with the very real danger posed by the moronic motorcyclist, he would have done everything he could to safetly make room for them in the right lane. Thereby nuetralizing the danger they created while driving on the wrong side of a double yellow towards a ridge.

Instead he

Are you really quoting Consumer Reports. It all makes sense now. I have owned 4. I have at leat 4 friends who have also had no issues with theirs. I guess we are magic.

Agreed. Deffinately NOT how you deal with it. If you really did care about someones dagerous driving, the best thing he could have done was ensure the idiot riders got into the right lane as quickly and cleanly as possible before the ridge.

It would appear he wanted to injure them, in the process causing debris etc to

Jags are actually very good cars. You are playing old tapes.
BTW, same goes for Range Rovers. I have owned 4, no issues. I actually had more problems with my Audis.

So you wait.

ESPECIALLY because as you said the double yellow was there because of reduced visibility. The idiots on the bike could have ended up going through the windshield of a car. They put their need to go fast ahead of the safety of people who have the right of way.

The guy driving the car should be charged with

Will the CEO’s go to jail when they kill people, you know the way people go to jail when they kill people?

The barriers look idiotic for the speed and proximity to people. How do you even get insurance for that?

Leather is just a crap material for a sports car, just too slidey. I have had both and will take Alcantara every time. Mine never looked like crap, but I have always chosen dark colors. It is far better in convertibles for obvious reasons.

It also depends on the dyno used. My car was tuned on a Mustang dyno. I would have gotten a bigger number on a Dynojet.

Racist, ignorant comment. Not being white or a man is not a pass for being racist or sexist. You can't make the world a better place by being a worse person.

Ancient history. The reality is the LFA is an orphan. It has nothing to do with THE reason Toyota and Lexus exist. What happened to all of those great cars?? Show me the modern version of any of them, oh wait, they haven’t made any of them in decades.

The FRS is the only real sporting car they currently make, but it

It is the limited edition Gourmet Burger with frittes at your local McDonalds. It might be amazing and a really fantastic meal, but I would much rather get that meal from a burger joint that only makes fantastic, fresh food.

No Aston Martins?? Sorry, not a real list. They all sound far better than the Jag.

I have owned four of them. Plus my friends have owned them. Fantastic cars. No problems at all.