
False, it’s intentionally belittling and serves no other purpose than to continue to divide us...

Your take is wrong and you should feel bad for seriously believing this. No, it’s not okay you’re a racist...

What this should have included was some talk about mobile payments. Not peer to peer payments...

this is incredible... how do you not have more stars?

It’s not federally mandated, but a lot of employers offer some kind of leave.

This is false. 

I refill sodastream bottles with dry ice from the store. Fraction of the cost :)

Yup... it’s still stealing...

“Murder carries the death penalty.”

If that’s really all he has then F-it. This day in age if he posts that he’s just outing himself as a fucking creep. Though you’d probably not like those images being out there I don’t think it would reflect poorly on you. Though we are a bunch of puritans...

Weelll, sorta. More like our “justice” system is run by human beings. And human beings can be pretty shitty... most of the time. Sometimes justice is served, sometimes the technically specific interpretations of law are served, and sometimes innocent people are punished. On the whole it works OK.. not great... just

Damn... that sucks. None of my employers have ever looked at my social media, or if they have they’ve only seen my public posts. Either way I’m not a dick on my real FB anyway...

To me it’s not that 9 million is a lot of people. I’m just depressed because that’s too many young people.

What did you say to them to counter that argument?

You should really look into firearm homicide rates in the US before making comments like this. Hint: they’re incredibly low...

Yes, acknowledging there are people who’s opinions on this matter are extreme and unhelpful on each side of the issue is super condescending. How dare he....

Just FYI, it’s shockingly rare considering how many guns there are in our country and the size of our population.

Classic lying by statistics...

That “rule” is a lie, btw, she never said that...

Perhaps you should, because you’d see that it’s really not the public health threat it’s made out to be...